Fish Crazy
Last saturday i bought 3 dwarf frogs and i bought some frozen bloodworm to feed them on. every time i put the worms in the tank my loaches and emporer tetra's gobble them up..ive tried putting them really close to the frogs but they cant seem to see or smell them. They have hardly eaten and now im getting worried. Is there anything i can feed them that fish wont eat and will sink to the bottom. AAny suggestions will be appreciated.
Last saturday i bought 3 dwarf frogs and i bought some frozen bloodworm to feed them on. every time i put the worms in the tank my loaches and emporer tetra's gobble them up..ive tried putting them really close to the frogs but they cant seem to see or smell them. They have hardly eaten and now im getting worried. Is there anything i can feed them that fish wont eat and will sink to the bottom. AAny suggestions will be appreciated.