How Can A Nano Be More Expensive


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I have heard a lot off 'nano tanks are just as expensive' going around and I want to know why, as my friend (who is 14 as well and doesn't have bags of cash) is doing a 5 gallon pico, atm he is cycling.

If anyone could tell me why they can be just as costly that would be great
Because you buy the same equipment you buy for a 30g reef for example. With exceptions being internal powerheads and lighting, your paying the same amount for every product you use, that might be used on a larger tank.

A 5 gal pico is going to fluctuate alot. Make sure he knows his stuff! ;) Goodluck!
Nanos, Facts and Myths

Pico, estimates:

Tank $15
Substrate $5
Live Rock $40
Powerhead $12
Heater $12
AquaC HOB $17
Coralife PC lighting $25

50G back of sea salt $16
RO/DI filter $80
Refractometer $45

Filter media ChemiPure, 4 changes for the year $18
Phosphate binder $6
Marine test kit $16
Calcium test kit $7
kH test kit $7
Magfloat $6

Total $326 or $256 Euros or 175 pounds or 422 Australian dollars

Now add on corals and cleanup crew, another couple hundred bucks since corals are expensive. Your 5 gallon Pico nano reef is now almost at $600. And I left out a lot of other basic stuff. Not cheap FOR A 5 GALLON TANK. SH
ya im at a 30 ggllon totally regret not going bigger gor only 20 bucks and it makes a difference belive me, big mistake gladi went up to a 30 i originally was gonna get a 20!

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