How Best To Insulate A Garage For Fish Keeping?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
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Near Leeds, W.Yorks
I am moving house shortly and my 8 tanks will be relegated to the garage. It's a big one, just about double, ut obviously I need to get it insulated etc. Any suggestions on how to do it? what materials to use and where to get them, where to look for further info?
Any help and advice would be gratefully received.I'm in west Yorkshire.
Put up some stud walls using 2x2 sawn timbers insulate with rockwool or kingspan (expensive) then plasterboard or hardboard over that. That will be fine. As for the garage door do you need it at all because most of the heat is going to escape from there!

If you want to keep it look and large draft excluders, if not wall it up as before

Use wrall plug to 'bolt the timber to the floor and screw it to the ceiling.

Might want to think about damp proofing as well!
If you are not too fussed about appearance you can simply fix solid insulation panels to the exisiting wall - either mechanically (shot fire/tek screws) or chemically ('no more nails' equiv).
Same applies to the ceiling (this is where you will have a lot of heat loss), but if the existing roof is a asphalt roof you should have some kind of insulation in there already.
You can then tape the insulation joints with foil tape to stop moistire getting in.

Damp proofing is probably a must as it will be very humid in there. On the simple side you could fit a Vent Axia or equiv to add mechanical extract to the room, but if the relitive humidity is still high you may have to consider some kind of RIW to the walls, or an epoxy paint to the floors.

EDIT: stoooopid computer double posted!
Yeah, for the door you're gonna want to look into foam polyethylene sheeting. there's also always the option of hiring someone to come in and blow fiberglass into the spaces between your studs, but that's not exactly cheap. Other than that, get some rolls of fiberglass insulation and prepare a few baths in the tub for yourself (you'll want one after you get that itchy stuff all over you). Whatever you do, if you get fiberglass on you, dont scratch it, that just digs it in worse
In witch case you'll want to find out if the roof has insulation in it if not then get some rockwool up there and plasterboard over it. If you're not a keep plasterer then you can 'tape and join' using a mesh tape over the joins in the board and then just plaster over the tape to seal it.

As for the damp proof you can get a liquid one that you paint on and leave to dry.

Still need to know about the garage door?? Do you need to gain access through it?

If so you can set the wall back put a door in and plasterboard both sides, hears a little drawing of the design


And a quick recap on how to make a stud wall, just in case you do know.


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