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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Thanks for the reply, I agree with you on the people dont care anymore part.
We stay in most days maybe going out for a couple of hours twice a week. We have a canal not to far away from home & a huge forest in the opposite direction, For the last 10 years we have gone for a walk along the canal regularly, With ducks to feed,Tadpoles to catch & you can see the fish in the summer, The kids love it but everytime we have been to these normally quiet places they are packed out with people.
We have been on rainy days thinking nobody will be out but its just not the case.
I just dont think that people realise that the more you stay in the faster we will be out of lockdown.
But humanity seems to be stupid right now. I was in the shop last week & 2 middle 20's guys came in without face coverings & the lady asked them to cover up in a nice way, She was not rude in anyway & they told her to....well yes i dont have to spell it, They abused her all the time they were in the shop & taunting her, They were probably the dumb people who bought all the bread & toilet rolls last year
I feel sorry for people who do genuine have mental health problems & illness. It must be so hard knowing that support is not there right now & on top of all that they cant have visitors. Im lucky i can jump in my car & go out but to knowingly be stuck in & alone must be really difficult.
Inbetween doing schooling,mealtimes & house duties i try & make a few hours for myself otherwise i would go mad. I do at least 1 job per day, Just something you dont normally get round to doing like putting that shelf up or cleaning out that old cupboard.
My relax time is putting the music or a movie on or watch the fishes for a while, Just to get by
First of all, love that username!

It is hard work to deal with 19 year old girls and dealing with downs is even harder.

I used to care for the downs kids at school I worked at.
They were 6 and 7 years old.
Its just a whole different world.
I loved it but it was exhausting.
Thanks Charlee
I own a small gate railing business in Wiltshire so this is also my gaming name on clash of clans. Jenny can be great and downs kids in general are very loving kids. However a 19 year old with metal age of 9-10 and hormones of a 19year old is a confirmed pain in the ar*e!! Love her of course but when bed time comes around and peace falls on house it’s ahhhhhhh moment ??
I feel sorry for people who do genuine have mental health problems & illness. It must be so hard knowing that support is not there right now & on top of all that they cant have visitors. Im lucky i can jump in my car & go out but to knowingly be stuck in & alone must be really difficult.
Inbetween doing schooling,mealtimes & house duties i try & make a few hours for myself otherwise i would go mad. I do at least 1 job per day, Just something you dont normally get round to doing like putting that shelf up or cleaning out that old cupboard.
My relax time is putting the music or a movie on or watch the fishes for a while, Just to get by
Mostly because a lot of people fake injuries/illnesses, so people are used to treating them with contempt.
I had to think about your comment Phoenix and unfortunately society has bred too many people that try to live of misery and sympathy. They are horrible people for sure but also sick I guess for having no decency to even think that how they act is wrong in life.
A young girl died in a car accident yesterday in Wiltshire and how sad, however if you consider we are on lockdown and she was travelling in a car with three others when car lost control and crashed. If she had obeyed the law and stayed home she would be alive now.....why has society allowed such people to think it is ok to act in such anti social ways??? Are we in fact getting numb to these things as they are a daily occurrence now.....makes you think doesn’t it
Thanks Charlee
I own a small gate railing business in Wiltshire so this is also my gaming name on clash of clans. Jenny can be great and downs kids in general are very loving kids. However a 19 year old with metal age of 9-10 and hormones of a 19year old is a confirmed pain in the ar*e!! Love her of course but when bed time comes around and peace falls on house it’s ahhhhhhh moment ??

I play World of Warcraft my self, have been for the last 12 years.

Oh I know that feel haha.
Nothing better then some quiet and chill time.
The last year has been a drag. My brother in law died from the COVID in August. He was only 68 and just retired last year. Isn't that just a kick in the pants ? Work your whole life and die less than a year after your retirement when your golden years are about to start. I've known eight guys that were in their 60's who died last year. All high school buddies or former co- workers. I'm 65 and that gives me a feeling that the cold hand of death might soon be upon me. @Deanasue sorry to hear about your Old Man. I remember you once describing your sister and her trouble. You said something that has stayed with me. "Life changes in an instant". Boy does it ever. Life goes on I guess but it gets less fun with each passing day. Old friends and family are gone forever and even being retired is kind of a drag. I miss being engaged with people. It's easy to say, well go back to work or find something to do. Not so easy to climb out of a deep funk that smothers all joy. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
The last year has been a drag. My brother in law died from the COVID in August. He was only 68 and just retired last year. Isn't that just a kick in the pants ? Work your whole life and die less than a year after your retirement when your golden years are about to start. I've known eight guys that were in their 60's who died last year. All high school buddies or former co- workers. I'm 65 and that gives me a feeling that the cold hand of death might soon be upon me. @Deanasue sorry to hear about your Old Man. I remember you once describing your sister and her trouble. You said something that has stayed with me. "Life changes in an instant". Boy does it ever. Life goes on I guess but it gets less fun with each passing day. Old friends and family are gone forever and even being retired is kind of a drag. I miss being engaged with people. It's easy to say, well go back to work or find something to do. Not so easy to climb out of a deep funk that smothers all joy. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I just told my husband that life has gotten so boring! Our kids are into things with their kids and old friends are either gone or physically can’t get around as much anymore. I’ve been retired 2.5 years and miss the socializing with co-workers. I actually took early retirement. How stupid was that? Live each day as it comes. About all we can do. :)
@Deanasue There's the whole thing right there. The fun and activities with kids and friends and co-workers is gone. Those days aren't coming back. The Bible talks about enjoying life before the days come when you will say I have no pleasure in them. That might be in Ecclesiastes. Maybe Proverbs. But, anyway, those days are here. The days that I have no pleasure in. I guess I just haven't fully adapted to the twilight years or learned to accept them. I hope I eventually do. Now go fix your Old Man a sandwich.
@Deanasue There's the whole thing right there. The fun and activities with kids and friends and co-workers is gone. Those days aren't coming back. The Bible talks about enjoying life before the days come when you will say I have no pleasure in them. That might be in Ecclesiastes. Maybe Proverbs. But, anyway, those days are here. The days that I have no pleasure in. I guess I just haven't fully adapted to the twilight years or learned to accept them. I hope I eventually do. Now go fix your Old Man a sandwich.
Wait, wait. We both need to change our mind set. 1955/1956 were very good year models. We need to learn to polish our chrome and toot our horns again. Know what I did the other day? I grabbed some pecans I had picked up and took them to the park. Squirrels everywhere for acorns but no pecan trees. They went nuts for my pecans (pun intended). Came to my feet and stood up begging. I had more fun all alone with just the squirrels. Never thought I’d do something like that. I made some friends. Four legged kind. I felt like St. Francis! I can’t wait to go back! We have to change our mind set and try new things. Most people in the park that morning were older than me. Taking walks and enjoying fresh air. Hang in there, my friend. God still has work for us to do.
@Deanasue My thought go out to you, your husband and your family during these trying times. I can sympathize with some of what you and your family are going through in some ways as I am a two time survivor of Acute Lympathic Leukemia. Diagnosed at 10 and again at 13 but I have been cancer free for 27 years; though I do have some of the side effects from the treatment (memory issues being one).

@WhistlingBadger Sorry to read you are still suffering from you concussion. Hope that the stress triggering it will let up soon.

My life has been getting better, the end of this week has been leaning towards good days. Life has been super complicated lately and extremely stressful with Covid, family and finances. I was working at home, working for a commercial auto insurer in the Chicagoland area. Mainly insuring taxis, which have been hard hit first by ride-share and now by Covid. Company has been loosing business and that = less employees, so I was laid off late October (happy birthday, lol). Mom had stroke the year before on the 24th, since then she has had AFib and was being cared for by my sister and I as she was essential immobile due to the AFib. Surprisingly she was able to regain all of her prior mobility (limited due to her sever arthritis) and close to 90% of her mental cognition. Her mobility issues worsened as her AFib got worse and her circulation worsened allowing swelling to build up in her body, mainly extremities. This also resulted in low O2 and eventually she went to the ER and is currently in a nursing home with the reality (for us, not according to her) that that will be her forever home (she is very bitter towards us for leaving her there). In the meantime we had to quickly put her house on the market before she lost it, we were living with her at the time so that whole process was ridiculously stressful. Add the management of her finances, getting her signed up to medicaid, moving the fish and the house. I though I was going to loose my mind many days-the stress was so overwhelming it froze me and made me unmotivated to start or finish anything.

Now that the move is over it is better. Slowly going through the boxes of stuff that we had (mainly Mom) horded for years and purging a lot of stuff is making moving in a lot easier. Getting the fish tanks set back up helps make it real. Getting the house settled and organized (little by little, long way to go) is making things better too.
Watching the fish cooking helps, and baking really helps. Thankfully I have my rock of a Sister and my Father to help me though all of this.

Sorry to unload-but it is a nice release. Great idea for a thread @CharLee86
@Deanasue My thought go out to you, your husband and your family during these trying times. I can sympathize with some of what you and your family are going through in some ways as I am a two time survivor of Acute Lympathic Leukemia. Diagnosed at 10 and again at 13 but I have been cancer free for 27 years; though I do have some of the side effects from the treatment (memory issues being one).

@WhistlingBadger Sorry to read you are still suffering from you concussion. Hope that the stress triggering it will let up soon.

My life has been getting better, the end of this week has been leaning towards good days. Life has been super complicated lately and extremely stressful with Covid, family and finances. I was working at home, working for a commercial auto insurer in the Chicagoland area. Mainly insuring taxis, which have been hard hit first by ride-share and now by Covid. Company has been loosing business and that = less employees, so I was laid off late October (happy birthday, lol). Mom had stroke the year before on the 24th, since then she has had AFib and was being cared for by my sister and I as she was essential immobile due to the AFib. Surprisingly she was able to regain all of her prior mobility (limited due to her sever arthritis) and close to 90% of her mental cognition. Her mobility issues worsened as her AFib got worse and her circulation worsened allowing swelling to build up in her body, mainly extremities. This also resulted in low O2 and eventually she went to the ER and is currently in a nursing home with the reality (for us, not according to her) that that will be her forever home (she is very bitter towards us for leaving her there). In the meantime we had to quickly put her house on the market before she lost it, we were living with her at the time so that whole process was ridiculously stressful. Add the management of her finances, getting her signed up to medicaid, moving the fish and the house. I though I was going to loose my mind many days-the stress was so overwhelming it froze me and made me unmotivated to start or finish anything.

Now that the move is over it is better. Slowly going through the boxes of stuff that we had (mainly Mom) horded for years and purging a lot of stuff is making moving in a lot easier. Getting the fish tanks set back up helps make it real. Getting the house settled and organized (little by little, long way to go) is making things better too.
Watching the fish cooking helps, and baking really helps. Thankfully I have my rock of a Sister and my Father to help me though all of this.

Sorry to unload-but it is a nice release. Great idea for a thread @CharLee86
We’re always here for each other. ❤️
I’m preparing a shephards pie and then getting ready to watch the superbowl....go Bucs

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