How are you feeling today?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Hi guys.

Everyone has good and bad days.
Lately I feel like there has been more bad than good.
Well, maybe not bad but just kind of meh.

I live out on country side (sort of, we got about 4 or 5 neighbours)
It's just my partner, my daughter and me in the house.

Not being able to see anyone is starting to drive me bit mad.

I have PTSD and one of my ways to deal with it and try to get better was to get out and face my fears in a way.
I eventually worked up the courage to start going to the gym

Now all gyms are closed and I can just feel my self slipping back to old thought patterns.

I need to do the waterchanges today but I'm really struggling to find the energy to do it.

I want this thread/post to be a place for everyone to just vent out how they are feeling and just get it out there.

Sometimes it helps to just write it down and get "rid" of it.
hi keith here do you have fish tanks
Sorry Charlee86 i think i killed your thread with my comments
Not at all, no need to apologise at all.
The whole point of this thread was for people to write what was on their mind.

A lot of people don't have anywhere or anyone to vent to.

I got my partner but he has his time filled up with work and other stress.
I don't want to add to that if I can help it.
Im sure other people feel the same.
Sometimes you just need to talk/write to someone you don't know.
Not sure how to explain it really.

I welcome all comments as long as they are not aiming to hurt someone on purpose.
Onwards & upwards as they say ?
Well on the plus side we are going to out for a walk after these lot have done the school online stuff. But just looking at the weather, We better take our wellies.
At least ive done something today, I have done a 75% water change on my 10G & gave it a bit of a clean
My wife is a NHS nurse so she works long hours so i know how you feel. I feel like im single with 4 kids (but only 3 at home now) sometimes but annoying as they are sometimes my kids keep you full of joy
To lighten the mood a little i was doing some school phonics with my 5 year old daughter & she is very good at listening & understanding, So i was telling her what she needs to do & she said " Can you stop now, My brain is full " ??
I couldnt stop laughing at her
To lighten the mood a little i was doing some school phonics with my 5 year old daughter & she is very good at listening & understanding, So i was telling her what she needs to do & she said " Can you stop now, My brain is full " ??
I couldnt stop laughing at her
You really have your hands full haha.
Im so happy my daughter can attend pre-recpetion, i live for those 2 days off in the week xD .

Well done you and big cheers to your wife putting in all those hours.
One of my best friends is a nurse and its mental seeing how much s**t she has to deal with on a daily basis.
I know hands down I could not do her job.

Big cheers to you as well for keeping up with homeschooling and doing what you can for your kids ❤️

hahaha, your daughter is funny, my brain feel pretty full sometimes too xD

Anna came into see me one day and said she needed help reaching her books, she said she couldn't do it because her arms where to short ?
She was trying to reach the books on the very top shelf..?
Well compared to a few of previous posts I’m relatively good apart from I work from home and we have a 19yr old downs daughter been home since 3 weeks before xmas as she is vulnerable. So I do first two zoom lessons and then go out working when Mrs gets home and takes over. So she drives us bat sh*t crazy 99% of chin up all and soldier on regardless and this will soon be over we hope. Xxx
Well compared to a few of previous posts I’m relatively good apart from I work from home and we have a 19yr old downs daughter been home since 3 weeks before xmas as she is vulnerable. So I do first two zoom lessons and then go out working when Mrs gets home and takes over. So she drives us bat sh*t crazy 99% of chin up all and soldier on regardless and this will soon be over we hope. Xxx
Sounds like you have your hands full but if it’s any consolation, all 19 year old daughters will drive their parents crazy. My Dad use to say “Girls lose their minds when they turn 15 and don’t find them until 21.” God rest his soul. :)
Sounds like you have your hands full but if it’s any consolation, all 19 year old daughters will drive their parents crazy. My Dad use to say “Girls lose their minds when they turn 15 and don’t find them until 21.” God rest his soul. :)
Compared to many I see on news I have no right to grumble about anything tbh, I’m waiting for a new hip and ok yes it hurts but away from covid......people I know have died while waiting for cancer treatment. Nothing aimed at NHS they are miracle saints in my book. It’s maybe just gone as it would no treatment I guess
Times are certainly challenging for everybody right now. My wife said there are more & more Covid patients being admitted to her hospital daily & the staff are pushed to breaking point with the care needed. They have not forgotton about anybody they just dont have resources to deal with it all.
She does 5 days with 12 hour shifts each day, They beg for her to stay on to help elsewhere but she cant, Going out at 6am and coming home at almost 9pm thats a very long day. The number of hours dont add up but she travels almost 80 miles round trip to work so its 1 hour each way
Times are certainly challenging for everybody right now. My wife said there are more & more Covid patients being admitted to her hospital daily & the staff are pushed to breaking point with the care needed. They have not forgotton about anybody they just dont have resources to deal with it all.
She does 5 days with 12 hour shifts each day, They beg for her to stay on to help elsewhere but she cant, Going out at 6am and coming home at almost 9pm thats a very long day. The number of hours dont add up but she travels almost 80 miles round trip to work so its 1 hour each way
Jonny what your wife is doing is nothing less than heroic tbh....i and the rest of the uk owe her a massive thank you for being her
Its tough on us as a family sometimes but i realise she is part of the heros team & has to sometimes put the job first. I dont have any regrets about her doing the jobs but when i am at home doing the routine running a house stuff & juggling 3 kids, School & Feeding times, I feel its a bit of a Thankless job.
Ive had to pretty much quit my job at the minute cos then kids are at home,Otherwise we would have to pay childcare (£1500 per month) which defeats the object of going to work almost
I just wish i could take us all back to when times were great for everybody ?, Hopefully they will be here again soon enough. Still i suppose we have our fish to keep us entertained
Sounds like you have your hands full but if it’s any consolation, all 19 year old daughters will drive their parents crazy. My Dad use to say “Girls lose their minds when they turn 15 and don’t find them until 21.” God rest his soul. :)
That quote is the best ive heard in a long time.
Its tough on us as a family sometimes but i realise she is part of the heros team & has to sometimes put the job first. I dont have any regrets about her doing the jobs but when i am at home doing the routine running a house stuff & juggling 3 kids, School & Feeding times, I feel its a bit of a Thankless job.
Ive had to pretty much quit my job at the minute cos then kids are at home,Otherwise we would have to pay childcare (£1500 per month) which defeats the object of going to work almost
Its ok to feel like its a "thankless job"

My partner's two girls from the previous marriage has been here every other week rather than every other weekend.
Juggling homework, cleaning and cooking is a 24 hour job.
My partner works in IT so he can work from home.
He can't help me out though because he is constantly on calls.

I don't feel like he understands how hard it can be sometimes.

I went back to Norway for a few weeks with our youngest daughter and while I was gone he had his 2 girls for a week over new years.

He had had them for 2 days and than texted me saying "we need you! The girls need your dicepline" ??.

He was knackered after 5 days of "single parenting"
I guess he got a little taste of what I had been dealing with for months.

You and your wife are both doing a heck of a job.
You are both nothing short of heroic.

My nurse friend said its a 100 times more hectic this time around.
People aren't afraid of the virus anymore.
They are sick and tired of it and are being careless.
She says its frightening to see how many young people they have in this time and they are dieing and there is very little they can do about it.

We just got to keep on doing what we did back in March last year.
Keep our distance and stay safe, so we can come out of the other side of this rather long tunnel.

Big hugs to you all. Xxx
Well compared to a few of previous posts I’m relatively good apart from I work from home and we have a 19yr old downs daughter been home since 3 weeks before xmas as she is vulnerable. So I do first two zoom lessons and then go out working when Mrs gets home and takes over. So she drives us bat sh*t crazy 99% of chin up all and soldier on regardless and this will soon be over we hope. Xxx
First of all, love that username!

It is hard work to deal with 19 year old girls and dealing with downs is even harder.

I used to care for the downs kids at school I worked at.
They were 6 and 7 years old.
Its just a whole different world.
I loved it but it was exhausting.

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