How active is your rope fish?


New Member
Jun 15, 2004
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Mines tends to stay low most of the time.
It doens't really swim around like I saw it in the store.
hope this is of some use mine always varied what they did but on the norm it was hiding and them coming out @ night unless you put a dead platy in the tank or anything and then they zipped out and scoffed.

but also sometimes they would have a mad dash round the tank then go back and hid.

hope this is of some use to you
1 is fairly active, always exploring. the other stays in a corner under some plants and sometimes moves to the other side - pretty boring.
O.k,, just wanted to make sure my rope fish was doing o.k.
Cause when I saw it at the store there were two in the tank and they were pretty lively
And in my tank it mostly seems to hide with some relocation, but never really swiming around the tank.
cpl questions how many get a cpl more ropes they like company and how long have you had them and lastly whatelse is in with them?-Anne

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