Housing Zebra Plecs


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
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How big should my tank be if I plan on getting some and can they be kept together, without any other fish?

I'm still not sure if I'm gonig to get any yet, I was jsut wondering

How big should my tank be if I plan on getting some and can they be kept together, without any other fish?

I'm still not sure if I'm gonig to get any yet, I was jsut wondering
Not only can they be kept together, they SHOULD be kept together!

Hypancistus Zebra thrives best when kept in small groups without other species in a roomy, sand-bottomed tank with a medium current and lots of caves.

Good luck on the mortgage! :lol:
I guess you realise that you could be paying £150 per fish if you want true Zebra Plecos (L046). You could quite easily set up a "breeding colony" of 6 or 8 fish in a 30Gallon tank. You want good flow and aeration and slate caves or similar.

Actually I have heard they can be quite expensive, however my aunt (who breeds them) decided that I would be allowed to have up to 6 of them. . . for free! lol There's an advantage of having a giant dutch family lol.

I was alos looknig at a blue spotted one I saw in my LFS. Could it be housed with a zebra pleco?

Also what size tank woudl I be looking at for two blue spotted plecos?
IMO, if you want the blue spotted plecs, get a different tank for them and give a species tank for the zebra plecs so they could breed :nod:

dude i want to like marry u or suttin like that!

zebra plec,zebra plec,zebra plec...continues chanting until finally realizes he cant have them
Our setup is a 35 gal with sand substrate, Bogwood and lots of slate caves.

They will do best in a tank they is developed around them. Other fish should not be a problem, I will be incorperating other fish that will be suitable in the environment the zebs need. Eg ok with faster water and higher temps. Mid swimmers only though to ensure the zebs get the food they need.

If your lucky enough to be given a colony, give them what they need and breed them :) not for your pocket but for their own preservation. If everyone that breeds them did it like this - they would not sell for the extortinate prices they currently do.
lol sorry ben I don't think my aunt sells her fish, she was only gonig to give me a bunch of them because she heard I was intrested and because she has liek 53 of them and she told me she almost ran out of tnaks, I assume she might be getting rid of a few colonies jsut because she has so many, but anywyas

I decided not to get zebra plecs just because I don't think I'm experienced enough to breed them (which is what I probably shoudl be doing since they're so rare) and because well they're so rare, I'll porbably stick with a more common kind, but stil la cool looking one lol

does anyone have any ideas about another type of pleco, I still like the blue spotted ones too
lol sorry ben I don't think my aunt sells her fish, she was only gonig to give me a bunch of them because she heard I was intrested and because she has liek 53 of them and she told me she almost ran out of tnaks, I assume she might be getting rid of a few colonies jsut because she has so many, but anywyas

I decided not to get zebra plecs just because I don't think I'm experienced enough to breed them (which is what I probably shoudl be doing since they're so rare) and because well they're so rare, I'll porbably stick with a more common kind, but stil la cool looking one lol

does anyone have any ideas about another type of pleco, I still like the blue spotted ones too

Very honest and responsible of you :)

Where about in the world are you?

As for other plecs - keep an eye out for leopard frogs (L134) very nice striking yellow and black - get to about 4/5" ;)
lol Well I thought that I would help and try to save a species by not allowing me to take care of it j/k lol I'm not really a bad pet take carer, but you know

And I live in southern Ontario, in Canada, but I don't really know much about the place I'm living in because I just moved to Ontario (from BC) about 2 weeks ago and haven't started school yet, so I don't really know anyone either lol

And thanks I'll take a look at the Leopard frogs

I'd also like to get two plecos, but of different species, could I keep them in the same tank if they have the same requirments?

and PS smithrc, I had a look at your profile, I'm glad you liek snowboarding, pretty much the best sport ever (tied with soccer, dirtibking and quadding at least lol)
Haha well at least you're in the same country as my aunt, she lives in Detroit. I don't know how far that is away from NY but its probably closer then where ever onemisterchristian is.

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