House Moving!

Reading threads like this make me realise I'll have some work to do when I have to shift my 150g, 75g, 30g, 20g, and 10g.
Maybe you could get there set up one tank with half of its own water rest tap with filter and filter in and come back get ALL of the fish from both tanks put all the fish in one tank then get the other tank and set it up half own water and half tap and then half the fish again... ive never moved yet so never tried but i think that way could be easier!

hope this helps!!
That is an idea!!! I have lots of helpers so will have my mum/dad/brother do one tank as they keep fish aswell and i will do the other one so that it is done quickly. Wish i could mix the fish but one lot would eat the others!!! I love your tank Discus angel. I am changing to discus once i have moved in. How do your angels and discus get on??

Goodluck shifting those tanks FELLA. Does it say "Pet shop" outside your door!! Wish i had the space for all those tanks. I have a friend with a fish house and he has about 20 tanks in it, ranging from 2 5footers to really small tanks!! he has just bought a new house so he will be worse off than both of us when moving!! I hope his stingrays make it!!

P.S. I bought boxes this weekend to put the bags and heat packs in. 3 16litre boxes for £6!! happy with that and they can be used afterwards aswell!! Bargain!!
thanks thts abit of an old pic lol tanks abit diff atm my discus and angels are fine well there not anymore as one angel which ive had over the years died.. so we thought get smaller ones and there coming in on wed so in 2 more days im gettin 6 babys and returing 4 in the long run... they live fine with each other... make sure lots of plants for discus and persoanlly i would have more discus than angels like i do :) hope nothing bad happens in neeby all you need to do with the "Otherfish" that might get eaten with the "Other" fish just leave them in bags actliamatising in that tank :) but the ones that should be in that tank you can put in there :) i hope there no bettas espec males lol GOOD LUCK!!!
thanks Discus. The "other" fish are jelly bean parrots and convicts which will eat the "other" fish which are small platies tetras and gouramis!!!

I am sure the move will go fine!

Fot the heat packs yesterday. now already. just have to pack the rest of the house up!!!
thanks Discus. The "other" fish are jelly bean parrots and convicts which will eat the "other" fish which are small platies tetras and gouramis!!!

I am sure the move will go fine!

Fot the heat packs yesterday. now already. just have to pack the rest of the house up!!!

Right.. if i was you.. move the convicts tank 1st then set there tak up as there more prone to stress and then put them in with all the platies tetras gouramis floating in that tank then set up the other tank and fill with half there water and rest tap plant or arrange rocks etc like you want it and then get them aclimatised and done :)

good luck! to you and your fisheys!

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