Hotel Rwanda


channa aka snakehead
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
Bournemouth Dorset / Medellin Colombia
The true-life story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who housed over a thousand Tutsi refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda

I watched this film the other night for the first time, i was truely amazed and touched by this film, cannot beleive people go through these kind's of thing's,were so lucky<most of us>never to witness such termoils...

I Reccomend if you have not seen this film,watch it :good:
It made me chock on a few occation's
I'll keep an eye out for it, does it have the same actor in as Crash?

I love powerful thought provoking films
Truely one of my all time favourite films . Amazing acting and truely horrifying some of the things they go through . I can also recomend Tears In The Sun it has Bruce Willis in it and a few other known faces another amazing film .Well worth the watch !

Truely one of my all time favourite films . Amazing acting and truely horrifying some of the things they go through . I can also recomend Tears In The Sun it has Bruce Willis in it and a few other known faces another amazing film .Well worth the watch !

Thank's will have a look for that....
Another good one is Empire of the sun the 1987 flick, A young English boy struggles to survive under Japanese occupation during World War II
empire of the sun is amazing!!! christian bale is spot on in it
Seen both Hotel Rwanda and Empire of the sun, both amazing films. I remember Empire of the suns ending almost made me teary...almost you understand. :blush:
ooo Will Be watching that one tonight with the other half!! Good ole sunday flick night lol

Another film i thought was good was Tsosti Have a watch heart warming film !
im only 16 and firsy watched it in school when i was about 14. it was a bit grim then but now i have watched it 2x more and i understand it more. i have also researched the hutu's ands tutsi's.

really really good film and it is well recommended. Very sad scenes though.
Hmm... I watched this movie a few years ago in school. I thought it was an excellent movie. I highly recommend everyone sees it.

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