Hot summer weather


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
My tanks are running quite hot due to high temps here in sunny southern california. I have a 20 gallon that is at 84 (platys and rainbows) and a 6 that is at 86 (bumble bee goby). I also have a 100 gallon marine that is at 82 (lion and puffer). I have to run out for the day but was planning on doing a water change when I get home to try and lower the temp. I don't want to shock them however, so I was hoping someone could give me some feedback and/or ideas. I have a fan blowing on them during the day, but it hasn't seemed to help. Thanks!
Try some bottled ice water. You could use a couple of gallon milk bottles and let them float inside the tank. If it is like this every year, I'd really suggest a chiller. Although it costs a lot, I think it would be worth it for you.

If they don't seem stressed, it may be an ok temperature, because I know people who have their tanks at 85 degrees for the whole summer and the fish are fine.

I just picked up an air conditioner for my room that has 2 tanks in it. 100 bucks from best buy, you may want to look into it.
Make sure the fan is close and blowing directly on the water. I have a 40mm PC fan running at 6v, and it cools my 55 gallon from 82 to 78.5. The fan is 1" over the water.
I have had my tanks sit at 90F for weeks on end over summer (hot OZ weather) and the fish have been fine. Summer 2 years ago I used to freeze bottles of water and float them in the tank. The fish all got ich and were worse off. Now I just make sure the water level is slightly lower hence causing more water disturbance from the filters hence more oxygen in the water. I have had my tanks spike at 94F for 2-3 days without any ill effects on the fish.
yeah and make sure your puffer doesnt kill your lion. theyre known for that.

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