Horsefield Tortoise


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
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London, England
Could i have a list of all what i need to keep a horsefield happy,

I would assume, a tank/vivarium? size?
do they need UV lighting? (i would think so but just want to check)
what should i feed?
Basic care, and things i should know

I have never kept horsefields only herman but yes you will need a UV for it and a basking light for the temperature.
I think you dont hibernate horsefields but wait for someone with more experiance to confirm this.hermas should be hibernated but mine doesnt get hibernated as she was an adult when i got her and had never been hibernated

Just found these care sheets for both species
Thanks i am giving myself a month to research and learn then i decide for sure if i can give one what it needs. I think i will get a horsefield. Thanks for the care sheets i will have a look now


PS- will have loads of questions over the next few weeks!

THanks again
do you have any links to lighting as it is the only thing i am confused about,
i know i need 1 heat lamp and 1 UVA/UVB tube,

Any spacific wattages?

do you have any links to lighting as it is the only thing i am confused about,
i know i need 1 heat lamp and 1 UVA/UVB tube,

Any spacific wattages?


for a tortoise table you could just use a normal household spot bulb suspended from above to get the basking area and then a UV tube along the side of the tortoise table.
With the spot bulb you could play around by having it at different heights to get the right temperature that you need and work out what wattage you can get it with best.Or you can buy a dimmer stat then you know that the temperatures are spot on and you wont have to worry

I get all of my UV tubes from livefoods or you could use a compact UV they are a bit more expensive but they fit into a normal fitting rather than having to buy a starter for the tube
could i use this,

with a bulb that has both heating and UV?

also i have a 24"x12x12 aquarium could i use that for him for about 3 months?
I would put a clip on fan (similar to marine tanks) just to keep good air flow. I have a big garden and loads of bits for him to nibble on, and why hes so small a pen that i can move for fresh grass. I can exercise him regularly and i never go on holiday (because i get heat stroke going to brighton so holidays are a no-no :crazy: )

A list of scaly wat a need,

- aquarium/plastic tub
- substrate? (what kind, can i use bark?)
- water dish (shallow right?)
- the lamp,

Sould i put a slab (flat rock or something) under the lamp?
Straw for bedding?

Sorry about all the questions, i thought it was better for me to know everything b4 getting him! (oh and i think he is 3")


I keep two hermanns tortoises but the needs are very similar, I keep mine in a tortoise table that I made myself, out of a plastic under storage bed draw, they need a uv light and a heat lamp. tortoises need to be fed on weeds and not store bought salads, any more advice just let me know.

Something like this....


  • Tort_table.jpg
    22.9 KB · Views: 73
I was reading about last night and i read about someone using this,

(is that light and holder compatible?)

that lamp does heat and UV light in the same lamp right?

and im so happy i just found a reptile shop with very good reviews, right neer my house so im going to have a look up there 2morro.

quite confusing post but it was just can i keep it in the cage with that lamp.
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If you can swing it I'd get that tort table, that is COOL! I wanna know why I've never seen those here in the US!! I used to have two Russian Torts (Horsfieldii) but keeping them in a tank was unfair to them, I traded them and now they're in the right place.

Get the UVB/heat combo and use it with the ZooMed deep hood otherwise the bulb sticks out of conventional single light hoods.
If you plan to give your tort outside sun time a few time a week, that's plenty to UVB.

Feed greens, no meat. Tiny amounts of fruit or berries for treats; too much and you get a sick tort. Add bermuda grass for fiber.
Water dish, shallow. Bedding- a mix of sand and coconut compress (bed-a-beast) - they might be from a dry hot place but they're diggers, and in their holes it's humid-they need a little bit of that.

Russians are cute...put one down on the floor and they mow over anything in the way, walking tanks and they are movers!

Males are easy to tell, look for a fat tail with a hook. Females have very short tails.

After keeping ol Ben for almost a year, he's been the EASIEST chelonian to take care of. They're the best first time tortoise, perfect size.

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