That would probably be because the guppy/molly 'cross' wasn't a cross to begin with!
Actually, I'll differ on whether or not a Guppy can cross-breed with a Platy. Our female Micky Mouse Platy within the last two weeks has given birth to two fry's of Pluppies (with a few more fries to be expected at this point). We have 5 Pluppies from the first fry, and 8 Pluppies from the second fry (which we just found and counted today). We know that they have to be Pluppies because we have only ever had female Platy's (for MONTHS) and the male Guppy (which has since died within the past 4 days).
The Pluppies from the first fry are all a bluish orange hue (as opposed to the bright orange of normal MM Platy's), and do not have the tell-tale MM marking on the tail. The tails are larger and more like a Guppy, and they have some black striping along the bodies, and with some black spots on the top of the heads of some. All of them have been growing like crazy, and most are over 1cm in length now (if not more). I'll attempt to get some pictures in the next few days.
The father (male Guppy) has a blue Guppy with black markings.
Feel free to contact me if you are curious, but these are DEFINITELY a Guppy/Platy cross.
So u breed guppies, did you rear them with the parents or in a rearing tank?So you are saying that my babies guppy that was never pregnant before got pregnant by another fish
I only had mollies in there with a black delta guppy
Which the babies u breed or the balck delta?guppy had babies which created the muppies
Then the new baby was given to the teacher with a baby male molly and now there is a baby in there.
So as I said it could have been the fish fairy.
im trying to breed mollies and guppies together nut i have to wait until the 2 female gu[ppies i have now have no more babies only a little longer cause they can have babies from mating from over 6 months ago so i have to wait till they run out to interduce the male mollie ( it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a platy/guppy platy/mollie or swordtail/mollie swordtail/guppy cross because they are diff genuses)
I mean that the guppy was just a baby when I got it and reached maturity right before I got the mollies. I had 2 female mollies and a male( maybe more , had the tank about a year ago). I just had the female in there with all the mollies, and it got pregnant after 2 months. The guppy was rasied with the mollies for about 2 months and all the mollies got pregnant also.