Hoplo Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2007
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hello every1 i got a pair of hoplo catfish a few weeks ago for my new tank and i never see them they always hide at the back stuck on the side of the tank with the plats covering them. and i would love to see them more. any ideas?
they are in a 190l tank with some cichlids but pretty peacfull and young ones
any ideas?
Thats bizarre because I can't think of a catfish that is more active. I have one about 5 inches long sadly his mate died and he's always out
Plus they are real fat gits and swim with other fish all the time
my hopla is around 7cm and swims with all my fish all the time and he is a fat git aswell :sick:
hmm well i have a pair maybe they want to mate but the water is not cool how they like it to mate??
my 2 are the same always swimmin with the other fish, they feed from the surface with the guppies
could it be because of the rocks in my tank hurting them?? or maybe the gravel?? they seemed fins at first
You say you have only had them a few weeks - maybe they haven't settled down properly in your tank yet? If you have a few bits of bogwood or rocks they can hide under they will realise there is somewhere to go if frightened and you may see them more. Also moving tank decorations around frequently can upset some fish and encourage them to hide up more.

A good way to see more of shy fish is to feed alot of favorite live /frozen food near the front of the tank, they will soon realise where food can be found and patrol around the front alot. I have 2 6inch female hoplos that are always near the front glass but they were a bit shyer when I first go them as babies - so I think you will be fine in a few weeks and its just a matter of time until yours get more confidence......
hello every1 i got a pair of hoplo catfish a few weeks ago for my new tank and i never see them they always hide at the back stuck on the side of the tank with the plats covering them. and i would love to see them more. any ideas?
they are in a 190l tank with some cichlids but pretty peacfull and young ones
any ideas?

Im confused, Hoplo's dont have the ability to be "back stuck on the side of the tank" they dont have that style of mouth. Hoplo catfish have forward pointing predator shaped mouths, not underslung sucker mouthes.

Are you sure they are definately Hoplos?
Thinking more about this are they really hoplos as I've had about three lotsover last 18 yrs and they always acively swim around the to of the tank

perhaps add a pic
thye are hoplos im sure and they seem to be resting on the plants not sucking on the side. they dont seem to be eating i stayed up all last night to see if they was eating and they did not come out, ive tryed blood worm catfish flakes that sink and normal fish flacks nothing seems to get them to move.
maybe i should add a few more?
my hoplos did this too, for about a month and a half. my advice is to stick to a normal schedule. For instance, do water changes roughly the same time every sunday, feed at the same time everyday and try not to act like you're too interested in the hoplos. i don't know if this will work for you but it did for me. i also tap the top of the tank when i'm about to feed and this gets all my fish right to where i am including the my hoplos.

this may sound stupid :blush: but i figured that me staring at them all the time was making them nervous. i think they can sense a predator's interest. going on in a routine teaches them what's normal and they relax.
hmm that seems like good advise but now ive moved them out of the cichlid tank and into one with tetras and guppies. they seem better in there. when they get a little bigger i will move them back.
but thank you every1 for your advise. good to know there is help out there

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