Hoping To Move To Colorado Soon


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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My boyfriend and I have been talking about moving to Boulder together. Currently we both live in Mississippi, and we hate it. He's from Aurora, Co, but he's lived in Boulder before and loved it. I've been doing some research and I think I would fit in there. It looks gorgeous. The downtown area seems to have real character, and there are plenty of dog-friendly places for my pit bull. 
I've never made a move on my own though. My parents moved me around my home town a few times, but apart from moving to my college town I've never left my parents' homes. How do I find a job in this foreign state? How do I find a decent place to live which is affordable?
Our goal is one year from now. He'll have finished his internship in Africa, and I'll have finished my undergrad and should have a job. I'll be living with my parents for a few months before we make our move, but I'm dead-set on Boulder. 
I can't go to Denver, obviously, because they'll kill my dog. A few other counties have strict BSL, but for the most part Colorado has a ban on that stuff. The problem is finding a rental home that will take my "aggressive" (
) breed. 
Any advice? Have any of you guys made a cross-country move before? What helped you guys?
Well I've never moved cross country before but when I was looking for a place (before my parents put a flaming arrow through that plan) I just googled it. Just searched apartments in (city) and shuffled through all the information. I know it's really vauge but I was looking in a state that I'm not from and that's the way I figured would be the best. Also maybe you can look for rented houses that allows pets to help with the dog situation. Best of luck!
That's what I've been doing, but what I'm mostly finding are (gorgeous) high end properties which are not a real sample of the places available. Most of these nicer places have strict rules about dog breeds and sizes (up to forty pounds are okay, typically, but Huxley is almost sixty pounds), if they allow dogs at all. 
I assume that I'll need to take a trip to Boulder with Hux before I move up there (I'll probably bring Boy along, too) and get a real feel of things, send out my credentials and all that, but I also wonder when I need to do all this. If I start sending in resumes too soon, I'll be forgotten. Too late and I'll be broke and looking for a house with a fenced-in yard which is a tall order for me. There's just so much that I need to plan for, and a year seems to be a good deadline, but now it's the arranging goals which is also frustrating me, not to mention my parents are not going to be very supportive about my move (but they can't do anything because I'm 21). 
All the people I know have just stayed in Mississippi for their whole lives, which is not a tradition I'm eager to continue. 
Hmm about the job thing I would say send youre resume out maybe like 6 or 7 months before you move and the do a call back about the status of your application so they don't froget about you. (Or at least that's the advice I got when I was looking for a job. To call them back and make sure they don't over look you [plus it shows you have a real interest in the job]).
Yeah that's probably a good idea. Six months before would be right after I graduate too. Good idea. 
attibones said:
My boyfriend and I have been talking about moving to Boulder together. Currently we both live in Mississippi, and we hate it. He's from Aurora, Co, but he's lived in Boulder before and loved it. I've been doing some research and I think I would fit in there. It looks gorgeous. The downtown area seems to have real character, and there are plenty of dog-friendly places for my pit bull. 
I've never made a move on my own though. My parents moved me around my home town a few times, but apart from moving to my college town I've never left my parents' homes. How do I find a job in this foreign state? How do I find a decent place to live which is affordable?
Our goal is one year from now. He'll have finished his internship in Africa, and I'll have finished my undergrad and should have a job. I'll be living with my parents for a few months before we make our move, but I'm dead-set on Boulder. 
I can't go to Denver, obviously, because they'll kill my dog. A few other counties have strict BSL, but for the most part Colorado has a ban on that stuff. The problem is finding a rental home that will take my "aggressive" (
) breed. 
Any advice? Have any of you guys made a cross-country move before? What helped you guys?
oh my goodness, what did you type to make The Lock Man edit your post?? and here I thought, he just did that to me...
I have no idea. I didn't swear, I promise. I'm aware of my sailor's tongue enough not to use it on the forums...
If it was a huge problem then you would have been contacted, and possibly infracted, for it. It's a minor word in the US, but in other areas of the world, it is a little more severe.

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