Hope I didn't make a mistake


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I went against my own rule, and bought two fish without doing my research first. I just came home with two yoyo loaches (tiny babies...not even an inch). The guy said there would be plenty of room in my 10 gallon for the both of them, and they are real hardy fish. He said they may even pal around with my cories. Could you all give me some general information on my new guys...It's like they're having their own little fishy chindig...that's right...I said chindig. They seem happy enough now. Active little guys. Very cute. :wub:
I have fallen in love with these two little guys...they already are showing some real personality. :wub: :wub: They seem to be fairing pretty well...*knock on wood*. They're not just staying on the bottom though...sort of swimming at all levels...real seem to enjoy swimming up the sides of the tank. Is this normal...just part of getting aquainted with the new surroundings/tank mates?
yoyos!!!! i've been wanting them for sooooo long! loaches are bottom dwellers for the most part. they really should be in groups of three or more as they are schoolers (go ahead and get one more :D ). they only get about 3 or 4 inches long tops so they should be fine in your tank for now. they eat sinking wafers, small snail, vegies. wilsta gave you a good link. enjoy!! i'm sooooo jealous, i really want some yoyos, so cute :wub:
Well, I'm one fish over my limit as is...do you think it would be alright to add one more? The two I have now don't seem to hang out very much...much more interested in the gobies and cories than each other. :unsure:

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