Honey Gourami


James flexton
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Stotfold, Bedfordshire, UK
Hi, i have 2 Honey Gourami in my tank, both have been in for about a week. Water quality is spot on Nitrite at O. I keep finding them kind of leaning on their sides at a 45 degree angle against plants / tank walls and not moving for 3 or 4 minutes. they look dead until i move the lid or something and they suddenly spring to life and swim around looking fine :/ :/ . is this normal behaviour? i don't know a lot about them...
You have to check ammonia and nitrates, too. What's the temperature?

They could be suffering from many things. Are there any other symptoms? I.E. scratching, flipping over at all while swimming, not eating, discolored droppings?
Well, it could be a number of this. The honey Gourami may be scrathing itself on an object when they lie at the 45 degree angle or they may have a slight problem with their swim bladder causing them to tilt on an angle when resting. Then again, they just might be out of energy.

What are you feeding them?
Hi jimbooo :)

I just looked at the fish listed on your profile. I strongly suggest you move those timid and delicate little fish out of there into a tank with more compatible tank mates. :X If you act quickly, you might be able to save them.
Water test came out perfect for Nitrate, Nitrite and ammonia (just taken sample to shop). i'm feeding Tetra "complete" dry food twice a day, 1 pinch each time for 2 days, on the third day 1 cube of frozen bloodworm then the tetra again. They aren't being bothered by any of the other fish i've been watching the tank for hours they swim about happily most of the time and seem to stop to "rest" not to recover from fights or anything. i only have one tank so moving them isn't an option i'm afraid.
Jimboo, i just saw your profile as well. Inch is quite right, you will need to take some of those fish out A.S.A.P. 60 litres is nowhere near big enough to house fish such as angel and silver sharks.
OK I get the message, bloody fish shop. they said they'd be fine in there. i got all fish from the same shop so they know whats in my tank. I can't get another tank i'm in a first floor flat thats about 200yrs old. the floor can't take any more weight and i'm not joking... i don't mind getting rid of the silver shark, he doesn't look very happy anyway. probably not got enough room. he's about 2 inches long. What would you suggest i do with him. i don't know anyone else with fish so taking him back to the shop is the only option i suppose. :dunno:

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