Fish Fanatic
Hey guys, i have 2 pair of HRPS in my 55 gallon tank. recently i noticed one of my females gettin awesome colors and acting kinda funny. my two mals have been battling , picking at eachother, flairing their gills. so i had a feeling my first spawn was comng. sure enough, after work tonight i found a nice size group of eggs in one of my clay pots that the female is viscously guarding. so, I'm just wonderin what steps i should take and what to look for. when should expect them to hatch and be free swimming? should i be worried about the HRPs eating all my fry/eggs. should i and when should move the eggs into a isolated tank? ( i dont have one setup yet because i wasnt really expecting this). and etc. i hopin you guys can let me know what i have to do so my fry can survive