Homes for Betta's


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK

Just thought i would share this site with you, I'm from rural Uk and have had to look online for fishbowls or small containers for my new betta's that are due to arrive on Wednesday, for days i have been searching without much luck and then purely by accident/chance found this site, they have various sizes of fishbowls and small containers. I have been very ambitious and bought 4 betta's cant wait for them to arrive post piccies as soon as i can :hey:

The site is called

over and out.....
I have ordered

1 turquoisey steel coloured crowntail
1 blue with red ventrails crowntail
1 caramel bodied with fins blending red into blue crowntail
1 red veiltail

I'm taking a chance with this i havent even seen what the fish look like, this was the only shop where you could purchase online and have them shipped out, someone in the forums recommended them and has heard only good things about them. The owner was very kind to me online spend time describing them to me and i guess i used my intuition. He also recommended 2 of them told me they looked striking / attractive.

Call me crazy !!!!

From all that i have read i have decided to house eachone in a 2.0 to 2.5 gallon tank with white stones and floating plants that this guy is also going to send me he said they were quite rare plants called ummmm rickia/rikia (sounding it out here) I'm not going to get a filter i will do 50% water changes once a week.

What else could i feed my betta's on besides mosquito lavae/bloodworms? do they eat flaked food or pellets?

I Like the bowls they Have on there and they are Cheaper then what I have seen them @.

Bettas will eat Hikari Micro Pellets and Hikari Happy Chappy Baby Pellets. Mine don't eat any flakes apart from Nutrafin Max Betta Food.

Get some Rock Salt Aswell. It has helped me more than using Chemicals with my Bettas. I am Using SAXA Rock Salt(for Grinding) from KwikSave.

Where Did you Order Your Crowntails From. They are Very Hard To find ????
I ordered them from this shop by the sounds of it this guy has loads and get stocks every 2 weeks.

Does this rocksalt have the same purpose as Aquarium salt? because i bought some on the weekend i am going to put in about half a teaspoon in the bowl and with subsiquent water changes
Oh Monty, Yeah he's Nice.

Havn't Ordered From Him Yet.

Hope you Dont Mid Me Asking, but how much are the Bettas Costing Including Delivery. Just so I can Work Out if He is Cheaper than Going to The LFS's

Does this rocksalt have the same purpose as Aquarium salt

I have used Both and Rock Salt has Worked out Better for me. Might Be Because I have Hard Water??

But If you Already have Aquarium Salt, then use it its Fine.
The fish were £3.45 each and he wants £10 for shipping up to 20kg, that is why i thought i would buy 4 straight away bcs i know if i had one i would want another one... hehe and i dont have loads of dosh..

p.s the colours of your betta's sound wonderful do you have piccies of them????

He IS Cheaper than Me Hunting for Crowntails.

Ordering 4 Now.

HEHE, Hope yours are Gorgeous.

Ordered 2 Crowntails + 2 Coccina
Just make sure that you speak to him personally than the guys that work at the shop they seemed to give me different colour descriptions and types (being crowntail or veiltails) than what they really had, Monty described some bettas that he was holding at the back of the shop which the guys didnt even tell me about.

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