Holy Overstocking Batman!

Anyone ever thought about trying to educate people like this? Sad is the flaming and the criticism when the person probably doesnt even know they are doing something wrong. Not every one was born knowing all there is to keeping fish. I know I wasn't.
Anyone ever thought about trying to educate people like this? Sad is the flaming and the criticism when the person probably doesnt even know they are doing something wrong. Not every one was born knowing all there is to keeping fish. I know I wasn't.

In my experience people do not want to be told that what they're doing is wrong. Strangers do not take kindly to words of advice however well intentioned, and however nicely you put it. Email this guy - I very much doubt you'll get a nice reply back thanking you!

People just don't care and they don't like to be told they're doing things wrong... I've tried telling my sister you shouldn't turn the filter off at night - she says they're just fish and even though she gets through one or two a month she doesn't really care because they only cost a quid each. She's a teacher...

Even my intelligent mother, long time pond owner, insists I am wasting money on expensive filters because the whole nitrogen cycle is made up by the companies to sell you stuff...I swear she's not even doing it to wind me up!

Even better example... I once went up to a schoolgirl at a bus stop and told her, nicely, that she had her skirt tucked into her knickers and was flashing her bum at passers by. She told me to, er, "go away". There was no possible reason for me to do that except for wanting to help her out, and she couldn't even be nice about it.

For these people ignorance is bliss!
Good point, DM, but unfortunately not everyone wants to listen. I tried in my LFS the other day. She had been sent away from another LFS, they refused to sell her fish as her 30l tank was already way overstocked. But she insisted on buying a bristlenose. She even asked me if they could go into a 30l and I said no and I said personally I'd only put a betta into a 30l, but she just didn't want to listen. A few minutes later I saw her chatting to some of the staff, don't know if she got any as I had to leave, but sometimes people just don't want to know that they are harming their fish.

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