Holy Crapp What Is This? Much Nicer Pics Now Lol

Wow, never seen one of those before :hyper:. It is most definitely NOT a mantis shrimp, there isnt any mantis in existance with antennae/feelers that shape. Its behavior reminds me of a hermit in that it retracts into its hole at the first sign of danger... Does it have big claws? If not, chances are it won't be eating your fish ;)
Agree with Ski, not a mantis. Id be tempted to leave some large or similar sized shells near it for a while, incase he had to retire to that hole for protection, it would give him an opportunity to move out if he didnt actually want to live that way, it seems a very odd postion, but maybe he prefers that position, it would aid his filtering ability. Cool critter anyway. :hey:
Thanks for the help guys, He does have one larger pincer but it is very round almost oval in shape, he seems to use this to block his hole when he retreats, i would say it 'looks' more like a shield than a spear....i hope..the other is similar prehaps longer than my red leg hermits pincers. well my clowns hermits and snails are still about this morning so i hope its not going to get aggressive. further i would never get it out that hole!

Should i get some sort of food for filter feeders? somthing like phytoplankton?, or will he be happy with my frozen mysis and brine shrimp? he wont touch live artemia or flake foods. i have never had anything feed like this before.

Thanks for the help
All I can say is wow!

I agree with what has been said in that it's not a mantis. the 'wings' could be one of two things. Filter feeders or gills and by the look of the second video witch I have just finished I would say filters. There are some crabs I know of without claws and have the filters and they feed of zoo-plankton. They are night feeders and live on the lower reef slopes. (thank you Discovery channel). However I have never seen one with claws and the filters. The claws I would say look defensive more that aggressive. If possible could you break the shell of the rock? I think the only reason he is ended up in you tank is because his shell got stuck in a crack and has grown into the rock. Would be nice to have him free and roaming. Possibly find out more about his habits this way. Must be careful not to break the shell.

Oh and could I just say you lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, B******D!

I won't one!


found another picture but no explanation!

Found it!

Realey good pic of one.

Take back what I said about breaking it off the rock it lives inside corals and hard tube worms.
woooowwwww you were totaly right i have just pulled it of, it was like rubber but cam off quite easily uploading pic now


haha ooops he still seems quite happy
Nice Looks like the coral Hirmit in the descripton on the sceond Link. I guess without a coral he's taken refuge in an abandond shell?
thanks for the ID, finaly i can find out a little bit about this guy! a coral hermit. and safe woop woop! thanks again guys i have moved him back up the rocks, and he is already moving about, i hope he like his new abode.

yup the shell is a hugely oversized for him, even for a hermit. i am going to get onto google now, but if you/anybody knows anything pls let me know, it would be much appreciated.
Bedfordshire. man i realy did not expect this. my first coral as well, it had been there for months too lol.

So they feed on passing plankton, ok. should i buy some or somthing similar to keep it happy
Three feeding methods you can take.

Feed Marine Snow to the crab. (dead zoo-plankton)

Feed Phytoplankton to feed the zoo-plankton to feed the crab.

Or (as I've done my homework and you were asking "where to go next") Get a hang on fuge and fill it with LR to give the zoo-plankton somewhere to grow.

The choice is yours
Thanks alot thats a great help, and for answering my other question i think hob refugium is next on the list, i have seen some on ebay, but i am not sure of thier quality so i will have a nosey around. thanks again matthew, you have been a big help, btw how did you find the id for the crab online? what was the chain of thought/ search keywords? i was looking for hours!?
Not a problem happy to help.

Filter feeding crab > Filter crab > Filter hurmit crab > Coral filter crab > coral hurmit. DONE!
lol cheers it was going to bug me!...been googaling for a while now, and the information on these guys is very limited, especially accounts/experience of them in aquaria, lots of posters of the very brightly coloured ones. it appears they are quite hardy if their hole is kept in good health. plus thier appears to be plenty of room for growth.....so fingers crossed for the new king of my hermits

and for anybody interested ...some more pics lol better ones now.




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