Holiday Question


Fish Addict
May 30, 2009
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Worksop Notts UK
I'm away on my hols soon :yipee:
How would you recommend I feed my fish whilst I'm away
Away for approx 9 days
Can you not get anyone to pop in a couple of times while you're away?
Even if they only get fed every other day then that would be fine.
Just buy one of those weekly pill containers (they have separate compartments from mon - sun).
Measure out food into each compartment then leave it for whoever is feeding the fish.

Short of that, to be honest the fish might be alright for 9 days without food.
I've left mine for a little over a week and they've been fine. I just fed them a little more than usual in the few days before I went and the few days after I got back.
I have just came back from a weeks holiday.
I just gave my fish a big feed before I went away.
You have to remember, fish in our tanks are fairly lucky to get food everyday.
Out in the wild, they would not be so lucky.
Im very lucky - I had a week with no power, no heater, filter etc.
And all my fish survived.
Cichlids for you I guess?
But if you carn't get anyone in to feed your fish I would do as m00se suggested.

I would leave the fish, most are fine for upto 14 days without food.

If you plan on feeding a little more before you go, make sure it all gets eaten so it isnt rotting away in your substrate and also do a large water change before going.

The vacation blocks can seriously affect your tanks water quality which you obviously dont want with you not being there to do water changes, I've also read stories of the automatic feeders failing and dumping all the food in the tank which again would affect water stats.

I think your fish would be at more risk from using a feeder block/system than they would of starvation

Thanx for putting my mind at rest
Was already planning a decent water change before I leave
Going to get a friend to pop in and make sure all is well
But after all this hard work couldn't help but worry lol
I have 2 ADF in the tank will they be ok if not fed for that amount of time ??
They would be fine, I'm sure they can go a bit longer than fish without food (about 3 weeks I think)

The day before you go, feed bloodworm so the frogs get a decent amount to eat

I've read many posts from the members here far more experienced than me saying they have directly experienced their fish doing fine for two weeks with no feeding at all and some of them saying they plan to try it for 3 weeks.

When it comes to actually trying that yourself its usually difficult. I've always managed to find neighbors who will come in and carry out a feeding plan. I also like that they could give me a ring for instructions if something looked amiss.

If you don't get somebody and let the fish go for the longer stretch then I've always read that its recommended that the initial feedings when you get back be very light and taper up slowly over days. Taper down prior is also recommended.

As long as the tank is established, fish will be fine for a couple of weeks... assuming there's a substrate and plants etc (your lights on a timer ?)

Whenever Ive asked folk to feed for me, I got some small "ziplock" bags, and placed a feed in each one - with strict instructions to feed ONCE a day, or you'll come home to a pond ! LOL
i went on holiday last year for a week and i put in a holiday feeding block, but the fish didn't touch it and it ended up just polluting the tank, however, all of the fish were fine. this year im just leaving them.

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