Ok well that explains the problems you have been having with both of your tanks. With the 20 gallon that had an established cycled filter, it ended up producing more nitrAtes in reaction to the constant addition of ammonia with each water change. In the 3 gallon with an uncycled filter -- it led to a disastrous and deadly mess. First thing I suggest (and I can not believe I forgot to mention it before) is to take some media from your 20 gallon tank's filter and put it in the 3 gallon tank's filter. That will help a little but you will still have to be diligent with water changes every other day or even every day to keep all the levels "safe". I also suggest double dosing the Prime to help with the ammonia as well in the 3 gallon. I would talk to your water provider and find out if they have changed anything around which could be causing the ammonia in the tap water. Running purigen in your filters should help with the ammonia in the 3 gallon and nitrAtes in the 20 gallon and might be your best long term "solution".