I feed hikari cichlids pellets as well as flake, sinking catfish pellets and half an algae wafer most days. I have noticed that he has recently started to eat the algae wafer which he didn't before, he always goes for food as it sinks. Twice a week a feed a block of frozen food, usually bloodworm, daphnia, brine shrimp or artemia, he eats the frozen very well. He occasionally spits food out but then he'll grab something else and eat that. I always watch them feeding to make sure everyone is eating well. I feed them gradually to make sure that there isn't a lot of waste left over.
I can't say he's ever really been any chunkier than he is now. He's about 4 years old, do you know the lifespan of a. cacatuoides? Apart from the one day when I saw the rummy noses having a go at him - which was before the treatment - I've never seen any bullying. He definitely isn't chased away from food. He is peaceful himself and rarely chases the others. I wouldn't have said that any of the others are underweight, I will try and get some photos for you, although as Akasha said, they're difficult to get decent photos of!
I did notice a bit of white stringy faeces a week or so ago and wondered if I needed to treat for parasites, but didn't want to be adding too many things at once. It's usually normal. What would you advise? I treated with Epsom salts a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for your help!