The Taffy Apple
Fish Herder
No Terry, it is'nt anything to do with me, but i stick up for who's right, and at the moment, Deftuch is right.Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.
A/ I'm failing to see what this really does have to do with you.
B/ Have a little look at your grammar and punctuation before having a go at what i say, eh?
Kindest regards.
And by the way, it's quite sad to comment on someones punctuation and grammer, especially when they've got Dyslexia.
Kindest Regards
Then i apologise if i offended you and your dyslexia, yet still warrant the right to tell you to get off your high horse.