Hole In Head Disease On New Fish

Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.

A/ I'm failing to see what this really does have to do with you.
B/ Have a little look at your grammar and punctuation before having a go at what i say, eh?

Kindest regards.

No Terry, it is'nt anything to do with me, but i stick up for who's right, and at the moment, Deftuch is right.
And by the way, it's quite sad to comment on someones punctuation and grammer, especially when they've got Dyslexia.

Kindest Regards

Noah ;)

Then i apologise if i offended you and your dyslexia, yet still warrant the right to tell you to get off your high horse.

Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.

A/ I'm failing to see what this really does have to do with you.
B/ Have a little look at your grammar and punctuation before having a go at what i say, eh?

Kindest regards.

No Terry, it is'nt anything to do with me, but i stick up for who's right, and at the moment, Deftuch is right.
And by the way, it's quite sad to comment on someones punctuation and grammer, especially when they've got Dyslexia.

Kindest Regards

Noah ;)

Then i apologise if i offended you and your dyslexia, yet still warrant the right to tell you to get off your high horse.

I refer you to the last paragraph on post num. 15.
A fish keeper is asking for help with a pretty severe condition with his fish. What difference does it make if they made the story up or not? But you can't just go throwing accusations around willy nilly ;)
Indeed. Allow me to apologise to any offence caused. Although i remain to hold my intial views on certain things, it was a little daft to bring it up in such a context.
I hope this thread continues to go the way the O.P intended it to.
For that...i'm out.

update. it is clear now that 90 percent of the holes has started the healing proccess. but as for the deeper holes i hope they show evidence soon too!
my cousins silver dollar really badly burnt itself on his heater and that took 3 months to heal. but he has really bad water. should i be expecting more or less than 3 months for the holes to heal?

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