Fish Connoisseur
Oh just a pic here and a pic there.
I ran out of black worms the other day and so drug out a stash of frozen mysis shrimp that had been in the freeser longer than I care to say. I fed them to the Corys.
The next moring I awoke to this
I thought the plant was sick, until I looked closer
The melanotanaea are spawning. So far the eggs are fungusing, but they are still trying. I think the boys may be a little young, but they are making a valiant effort.
I collected more eggs from the pandas, duplicarus and gossei today. The gossei were really serious. I hope I got some of theirs.
They like these plastic plants that have the plastic plates on the bottom that are suppose to go under the gravel I let them float upside down.
They like this cloth plant too.
I also collected eggs from the simulatus pair that survived the horror. They were recently added to the Jari zebra tank with the green neon lasers and a school of harlequins. I believe that the neons were also tying to spawn. Since I put them in this new tank, they are very happy. They swim midlevel a lot reminding me of pygmies. No pics of this yet.
Who's watching whom?
Are you going away soon? I have imprtant things to do!
Who's this dude? What are you doing there? We refuse to share our black worms!
An elder
There are just too many young scaps around here!
Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures. This tank gets too much reflection and is hard to shoot.
I ran out of black worms the other day and so drug out a stash of frozen mysis shrimp that had been in the freeser longer than I care to say. I fed them to the Corys.
The next moring I awoke to this
I thought the plant was sick, until I looked closer
The melanotanaea are spawning. So far the eggs are fungusing, but they are still trying. I think the boys may be a little young, but they are making a valiant effort.
I collected more eggs from the pandas, duplicarus and gossei today. The gossei were really serious. I hope I got some of theirs.
They like these plastic plants that have the plastic plates on the bottom that are suppose to go under the gravel I let them float upside down.
They like this cloth plant too.
I also collected eggs from the simulatus pair that survived the horror. They were recently added to the Jari zebra tank with the green neon lasers and a school of harlequins. I believe that the neons were also tying to spawn. Since I put them in this new tank, they are very happy. They swim midlevel a lot reminding me of pygmies. No pics of this yet.
Who's watching whom?
Are you going away soon? I have imprtant things to do!
Who's this dude? What are you doing there? We refuse to share our black worms!
An elder
There are just too many young scaps around here!
Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures. This tank gets too much reflection and is hard to shoot.