My balsa wood smelled like that Cox airplane fuel.
And epoxy, that I mixed by hand...and cyanoacrylate, in it's infancySmells like victory.
I remember when 20g was a huge tank, although we had silicone (we always called it RTV--I think that was a brand name) back then. When I was a kid, putting a goldfish in a 20g and actually using dechlorinator made you a far above average fish keeper. ha haCan't be too nostalgic. When I was around 12, I liked making model aircraft and sailing ships. But the kid next door kept stealing airplane glue from the shop and sniffing it - he died young as a total wreck. The first time I ever did first-aid on an overdose was back then.
All my tanks eventually leaked because the linseed oil tar didn't seal for long, and my Dad would mix up more bad smelling black tar stuff and line my tanks every couple of years.
That meant a 20 gallon was a huge tank.
All heaters were clip on, and if you knocked them they could fall in and zap you.
Incandescent light bulbs heated the tank up when they were on, and were often in shiny stainless steel hoods that could burn you on contact. They got hot.
There was a lot of Beatles music played, even in fish shops. I can't stand that band.