HOB vs Internal Filters

I know the brand I'm looking at has flow adjustment options, I believe on both their internal and HOB filters. Makes sense that even these small filters could create too much flow in a small tank, so good to find ways to modify that for filters which don't have the flow adjust option. I believe putting a finer sponge over the inlet tube can also help slow flow into the filter and therefore out of the filter?
I actually do that too, putting a sponge over the intake. . It doesn't affect the flow rate and I wouldn't want to risk burning out the motor by clogging the system.
I do it because it protects smaller fish from getting caught in the intake. And it sort of acts as a little sponge filter. Particles get caught in the sponge instead of the filter. Less work for the filter and I can just clean the sponge off during water changes. My platy helps by nibbling on uneaten foods that the sponge catches. And it's another media for beneficial bacteria to grow.

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