
Synirr, lol, I know nothing about loaches!

Never2ManyBettas, so did I. >_> Took mine a week or so, but it bit the big one.

jollysue, I want you to know... I killed duckweed too. I bought some because I'd heard that. It all died. *Cough*

ezrock, really? I might give it a go again. I don't have tank lights right now, but would natural window light be enough for it? It's enough for my phal orchids, if that tells you anything.
I've killed duckweed, too. I've never, ever been able to grow anything as far as plants go, and I don't use lights either. Back in October I picked up some java fern at our show and that stuff is growing like crazy. I don't know if it's because of who I got it from, but even with my fishroom window covered with a blanket that stuff is still going strong AND beautiful in all of my wild tanks.

To each his own: I ordered two bunches of hornwort. When it came I asked the supplier what to do with it cause it looked like it woulkd go right up the power filters. He told me it would plump right up; just put it in the tank. So I did, and thwump! right up the filter it went! Nothing left. :whistle: :lol:
Wuv, Really? I'll have to see if I can find some that's healthy. Petsmart carries it and so do some LFS, but it's always practically dead.
Hi. I've noticed with hornwort, they tend to die off quickly if there's no/minimal water movement. If you have reasonable movement in the water, your hornwort should do well :)

Any time I've ever tried it in a small bowl, they die within 24 hours or so despite high light etc.


I've got pieces of it in all of my 2 gallon betta tanks, and haven't really had any problems with it dying. I have had it die off when I've added it to a tank with cold water.
I, too, kill hornwort. It went wild in my grandmother's tank that never gets cleaned though, so my suspicion is that maybe my water is too clean? Like there are no nutrients for the plant, what with weekly 40% water changes? Even in my planted tanks it dies.
Sounds like you all have had better luck than I had with hornwort. Mine didn't even have a chance to die.

My Java fern can look dead, but it takes off when tied to a piece of wood. I've had good luck with Java fern too, not so good with moss--more filter sucking. the fern seems a little slow growing though.

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