

Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
If I had about five females in a 20 long, what could I put in there with them that would get along? Just something extra, some little fish they would all be okay with that would give a smidge of variety to the tank. No bottom feeders, algae eaters, ect. Something that would actually swim around and stuff.

So, give me some suggestions.
hmm, maybe some sort of small tetra?

Orr you could stock it with smaragdina instead...I know where you can get some for nothing :fun:
I'm not overly fond of tetras, I've got some, and I keep hoping my bettas will eat them. XD

But ya know what, I'll have to PM ya on that one... XD
I'm not overly fond of tetras, I've got some, and I keep hoping my bettas will eat them. XD

But ya know what, I'll have to PM ya on that one... XD

Not big on tetras myself. I've only ever kept neons a couple years back and I hated them so I brought them back to the store. It was one of those run in real fast, thrust the bag at them and jet out numbers.
Yeeeeah. I get that totally. Those little schooling fishes drive me nuts. lol Eating up all my betta's food!

Never2ManyBettas, LOL! There we go. Lots and lots of plants. That would die that day... XD My plants always die.
Java fern & Java moss. I am experimenting with securing java moss to the outside of terra cotta pots... and then I have a nana anubias (something like that.... dang label smeared) planted in the pot.

Ask Jen about Java fern on driftwood. I think she goes by Aurutus here. Also in a book by Amano Can'tbelieveIforgothislastname ... :X how to secure java fern to driftwood. Only problem with moss in a large tank is it can get stuck in hob filter if not secured.
I had some female endlers in my tank, just to give them a rest from the males (and especially after having given birth) there were no problems then. I also have some corys in with the girls to tidy up the bottom of the tank. :rolleyes:
Mollies :D if you stick a couple or so mollies in your tank with betta girls, they tend to think they're bettas :lol: it's either that or the betta girls think they're mollies :X either way they get along great in my tank.
Lots and lots of plants. That would die that day... XD My plants always die.

Get some Hornwort. It's almost impossible to kill, prevents algae growth, oxygenates the water, removes nitrogen, and bettas love hiding in it!
cough Icankillhornwort cough

Tried it in jars.... fair amount of light.... all died. LOLOLOLOL Sagitaria is easy. Sword plants too. Then there is that water celery.... but by far the java moss & java fern are the easiest.
If you can put up with it spreading everywhere, duckweed. Bubblenesters like it.

For a lively thing that adds interest, frogs--not the African Clawed variety. They always get a comment--"You've got frogs in there!" also golden apple snails are a colorful and useful addition.

I have a 100 usg Tetra tank (at least 50) with dwarf gourami (sparklers and honeys), dwarf apistogrammas, cories, scarlet dariodarios, pencils, a lonely clown loach, frogs, a selection of snails, lots of plants and a Synirr Boy. He is very happy and busy. I think a girl would have worked, too.

It seems that it depends on the Betta. I think in a tank of girlies, some can turn kung foo killers.
Hi. I've noticed with hornwort, they tend to die off quickly if there's no/minimal water movement. If you have reasonable movement in the water, your hornwort should do well :)

Any time I've ever tried it in a small bowl, they die within 24 hours or so despite high light etc.


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