Hiya from Liverpool.


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Well hello everyone.
My name is Phil.
Don’t be put off by the username!! I’m big but not bad. I thought I was cool when I was in my younger days. Anyway, we’re here for fish so I’ve kept tropical all my life and had around 7 tanks in my room when I was about 11/12. 8 years ago I took the plunge and got myself into saltwater. I was hooked. Around this time I got into forums for advice and was in another salty forum for the last 7 years. I started with a 180l Juwel Rio. 3 months later I got the biggest tank my alcove in my living room would take. Aqua Reef 400 was purchased and I had many happy years keeping corals and fancy fish. I had a yellow tang for the entire time and loved him. I lost him at the end of February and after that upkeep was starting to slide. I decided to break it down and because it wasn’t fair on the stock. I couldn’t take the tank away due to us decorating around it a couple of years ago I decided to go back to Tropical.
Boy how I missed it but I didn’t realise. I’ve converted it back and am happier than ever.
Here is my saltwater tank before break down.


And here is my tank now it’s tropical.
(Note that I have more plants to go in and the rock in the right hand wood is keeping the wood from floating. It still hasn’t sunk after 6 weeks but it’s getting there)


I’m a sucker for live bearers. I’ve always loved Mollies, Platies and Guppies. I’ll be keeping other stuff too. Just not sure yet.

Anyways, that’s my story.

Hope to get to know some of you.

Thanks for reading. Any advice is welcomed!!
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Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Wow, that was a cool saltwater tank!
Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Wow, that was a cool saltwater tank!
Thanks or the welcome. Although I didn't think it was cool. Like a lot of people who get into it first. I didn't swat up 100%. I thought it was going to be an instant reef. How wrong was I. I had no really bad issues with it but I just couldn't get some corals to grow. Xenia & GSP grew like mad but the good ones just wouldn't. And I couldn't really justify the money on the equipment needed. Well, the decent stuff anyway.

I'm surprised on how pleased, inspired and raring to go with this. And I like the fact you can change stuff easily with it. Marine is a PITA to rescape all the time.
Thanks or the welcome. Although I didn't think it was cool. Like a lot of people who get into it first. I didn't swat up 100%. I thought it was going to be an instant reef. How wrong was I. I had no really bad issues with it but I just couldn't get some corals to grow. Xenia & GSP grew like mad but the good ones just wouldn't. And I couldn't really justify the money on the equipment needed. Well, the decent stuff anyway.

I'm surprised on how pleased, inspired and raring to go with this. And I like the fact you can change stuff easily with it. Marine is a PITA to rescape all the time.
I’m actually starting a 29g nano SW tank. :unsure:

Hopefully I will have better luck than you did! :lol:
I’m actually starting a 29g nano SW tank. :unsure:

Hopefully I will have better luck than you did! :lol:
I am 100% sure you will. All I can say is, read, read and read. you will love it. You will be surprised the amount of life you can see in a saltwater tank. Things you didn't even put in there. You'll be scratching your head wondering how it got in there.
Thank you guys for making me feel so very welcome and your kind comments.
Rest of the plants have arrived so water change and planting is my Friday night. Can’t wait. Pics to follow later
And my final post in the introduction section, all plants are in, and water change done. Thank for all the help and support folks. Will post in the main forum from now on.


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