Fish Herder
I'm in the process of setting up a new tank which is currently cycling. I got some plants a couple of weeks ago to put in and, lo and behold, I've had a hitch-hiker. So about a week ago, I noticed one tiny, and I mean, TINY snail on the inside of the glass - about a couple of mm in diameter and a reddish colour. I picked it out.
Then, a few days ago, another tiny one on the inside of the glass. So I picked that one out too.
Then last night, a bigger one on one of my plants got picked out along with another 3 that I found after closely inspecting the tank (AKA, pressing my nose up against the glass). I hadn't seen any eggs and I presume that they all didn't come in on the 3 plants that I bought???
I tried to take a picture of 3 of the ones that I took out last night - sorry about the quality - they were so small that the camera struggled to focus on them.
Does anyone know what they are? I just don't want all my plants getting munched by a bunch of snails If they are "pest" snails, how can I get rid of them apart from my seemingly useless harvesting of them?
Thanks guys & gals
I'm in the process of setting up a new tank which is currently cycling. I got some plants a couple of weeks ago to put in and, lo and behold, I've had a hitch-hiker. So about a week ago, I noticed one tiny, and I mean, TINY snail on the inside of the glass - about a couple of mm in diameter and a reddish colour. I picked it out.
Then, a few days ago, another tiny one on the inside of the glass. So I picked that one out too.
Then last night, a bigger one on one of my plants got picked out along with another 3 that I found after closely inspecting the tank (AKA, pressing my nose up against the glass). I hadn't seen any eggs and I presume that they all didn't come in on the 3 plants that I bought???
I tried to take a picture of 3 of the ones that I took out last night - sorry about the quality - they were so small that the camera struggled to focus on them.
Does anyone know what they are? I just don't want all my plants getting munched by a bunch of snails If they are "pest" snails, how can I get rid of them apart from my seemingly useless harvesting of them?
Thanks guys & gals