I've never tried them, but if I buy a heater again it would be one of the digital ones that measures the actual temperature in the tank too, saves you on thermometer as well.
Also, I wouldn't dose the ammonia before it has actually gone down to 0. If the nitrItes are off the charts, the API test normally turns purple at the bottom immediately, then to avoid a stalled cycle I'd do a 90% water change to bring that back to measurable on the test and redose ammonia again. The cycle gets faster this way. Don't clean the filter for a good while after the cycle or during. I leave it off for 2-3 months in a new tank. A filter needs time to establish bacteria and 99% of the times cleaning it too early will cause a spike.
Thanks, well I've just done around a 80% water change and set everything back up. Gave the sponge and biomax a quite swish in the old tank water and my god the sponge didn't half stink! Now I've just tested the water again and got this result:

Nitrite drops didn't turn purple in the bottom of the test tube when I added them but the colour soon intensified to this deep purple reading. Would you still say this is off the scale? Thought the water change may have brought them down a lot. Puzzled by this I checked my tap water for nitrites and got a bright blue reading so 0ppm of nitrites in the tap water... It's strange how its still so high even after such a large water change.
Ammonia on the other hand has reduced, to around 0.25ppm ide say. Shall I redose straight away or wait for it to drop to 0ppm and then redose to say 2-3ppm??
Thanks for your help
Size wise, white clouds would fit, but they're a very active fish that like to swim far and fast, so aren't really recommended for tanks of less than two feet long.
There are loads of lovely tropical fish that would be very happy in there (and tropicals are not harder to keep, or more delicate). You could look at ember tetras, harlequin rasboras, green neons, sparkling gouramis, featherfin rainbows or chilli rasboras.
Will have a read up on the fish you've recommended thanks