Hikari Or Aqueon Algae Wafers For New Corys?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2005
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I bought a few albino corys yesterday but didn't pick up any food for them yet because I wasn't sure which brand to get. Hikari is a well known brand and I have other food by them so I was planning on getting but them I came across the Aqueon brand. I read the ingredients and the Aqueon brand seams better but I just want you guys opinion to make sure which brand I should get. Here are the links so you can check them out,
Aqueon algae rounds
Hikari Sinking Wafers
Hi tidytourniquet :)

I usually use Hikari sinking wafers, and the corys are very fond of them. The other brand, Aqueon, looks good too, but I haven't seen it in any of the lfs I go to. If I find it, I'll give it a try.

Corys need more food than just sinking wafers. They should have some live blackworms or tubifex worms or frozen bloodworms for protein and to balance their diet. A it of flake food is good for them too.
Thanks for replying,

I haven't seen that brand any place other then that site I gave the link to. I plan on ordering from there in about a week, so I'm thinking of giving Aqueon a try. I've been feeding them on flakes for now (only been 2 days so far), I do have some bloodworms but the corys will have to compete with some guppies and a female betta if they want to have a chance at getting some. Tonight I'll try to distract the other fish and give them some.

Edit: I was getting my cart ready on Thatpetplace.com to see how much everything I was planning on getting would cost and came across these ones too, Bottom feeder tablets. They are also the Aqueon brand. Which would be better for corys the algae rounds or bottom feeder tabets?
That was why I was planning on getting the Hikari brand but then I came across the Aqueon brand and what I liked about them was the first ingredient is Whole Fish Meal (Whole salmon, herring & other mixed fishes) and the Hikari brand just says Fish meal. But if someone had used the Aqueon brand and for some reason they or the fish didn't like it I would get the Hikari brand, that is why I asked.

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