Ms. Platy
New Member
I was at a pet store looking for some fish, and i decided on a couple of plecos because the store had just gotten a shipment of fish and there were tons of them. So i bought two of them, but when i got themhom i noticed one was missing his right pectoral fin. There's only a stub left, and it's been a few weeks so i don't think it'll grow back, but he's also gotten to be the bigger of the two plecos and the biggest thing in the tank. I was wondering if he still might have to deal with being picked on by the other tankmate. I'm not to worried about my other pleco, since they both seem very fond of each other, but I'm not sure of the others.
Female Betta
Cory cats(one is pretty big)
Zebra Danios
Female Betta
Cory cats(one is pretty big)
Zebra Danios