I initially asked to see if there might be conflicts with this or that fish, but if this is the Zebra pleco Hypancistrus zebra, it does not need as high a water temperature as 82F. And it is very peaceful. I maintained it very well for several years in the 1990's in 77-78F water. This fish will tolerate higher temperatures, Planet Catfish gives the range 78-86F, but at the lower end will be easier to manage all round.
As for tankmates, just avoid any fish tempted to fin-nip. Rummynose tetras (Petitella bleheri or P. georgiae), cardinal tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) or its close cousin the green/false neon tetra (P. simulans), several of the mauve/reddish disk-shaped tetras in the Hyphessobrycon rosaceus clade, hatchetfishes, pencilfishes are all worth considering. If you keep the temperature below 80F, there are some Corydoras that work, but none of these can be maintained at 80F or above long-term. Keeping the temp as I'm suggesting opens up far more possible species. One or two degrees makes a significant difference to a fish because they are ectothermal and the water temperature drives their metabolism. Higher temperatures means they literally burn out faster.