High Ph/breeding


New Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Hi all,

Just a quick question in the last maye six months I have had two harliquins, 1 zebra and 1 leopard danio all die. The thing is they were all full of eggs when this happened all the other fish in my tank are fine, my water tests are all fine apart from a high PH which is at 7.8. my question is do you think the high PH could have anything to do with the pregnant fish deaths???


Are you sure they were full of eggs? Did their scales stick out at all?

What are the actual numbers from your tests? How long has the tank been set up?

A pH of 7.8 is not that high and certainly shouldn't be killing the kinds of fish you have.
The tank has been set up for 2 years, I thought they were full of eggs more because all the ones that died were activley spawning all the time. what I found about a day or two before they died their stomachs got really big, Both danios got like streaks of red across theirs bellys almost like stretch marks.

The amonia is 0.2, the Nitrite is 0 and the nitrate is 0 PH is 7.8.

It was more wondering what could of caused them to die because each one was almost identical.

It's far more likely to be the ammonia. 0.2 is too high. It should be 0. If you ever get any detectable ammonia or nitrite you should do a large water change immediately.

It's probably dropsy, a symptom which can be brought on from ammonia poisoning. It usually causes the fish to have oversized bellies, and also for their scales to stick out as Fluttermoth said.
thanks guys

I have done a big water change and will start doing water changes more frequently from now on. Hopefully the tank will be a happy one again.

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