Fish Crazy
I've had my 20l nano tank set up for 3 weeks now and I used some ceramic media from my mature tank to help with the cycling. In the tank I have 5 endler guppies. I've been testing the water regularly and the ammonia is 0. But every time I test the water the nitrites are off the scale. So I've been doing at least a 50% water change every day. And then testing the nitrite again after a few hours. And the nitrites are still as high as ever. I am using the nutrifen test kit. I have been dosing with seachem prime and even doing the emergency dose for high nitrites and it still isn't going down. Does the seachem prime alter the results on the test kit? I test the water both before and after I do the water change. It seems like the test kit isn't working properly. Surely if I do a 50% water change then the nitrites would half?