High Ammonia Levels Noob

You must always keep the ammonia, and eventually nitrite, under 0.25ppm. Do that by changing 50% water. You have to do this until the filter is cycled and that can take up to two months in a fish-in cycle like you're doing.
Thanks guys. I have no problem changing the water daily if thats what it takes. How often do I feed the fish during this time?
While it's cycling you want to feed minimally, no more than once every other day (that's actually what I feed my fish and my tank is cycled and the fish are very healthy).
While it's cycling you want to feed minimally, no more than once every other day (that's actually what I feed my fish and my tank is cycled and the fish are very healthy).
Thanks, I will keep you updated over the coming days and weeks!
Welcome to TFF Ian.
So far you far on the right track. Keep on top of those water changes and things will work out. As long as both ammonia and nitrites are kept at less than 0.25 ppm by using water changes, you will have success with minimal impact on your fish.

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