Fish Connoisseur
Taurus can you find any of the three starters I listed? Can we find somebody with media to send you? Can we fish somebody who might take some of the fish for you?
You have only one other option, and it will also slow the cycle. Larger doses of dechlors like prime or amquel+ which will detox ammonia and nitrite. They will also make testing very hard as they can mess up readings.
Adding one of the bacterial products I suggested would help more and faster. Adding media from another cycled tanks would too,
Yes repeated big water changes will stress fish. But you have little choice until you can take a different course of action.
You have only one other option, and it will also slow the cycle. Larger doses of dechlors like prime or amquel+ which will detox ammonia and nitrite. They will also make testing very hard as they can mess up readings.
Adding one of the bacterial products I suggested would help more and faster. Adding media from another cycled tanks would too,
Yes repeated big water changes will stress fish. But you have little choice until you can take a different course of action.