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Mostly New Member
Aug 10, 2014
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Hi I guess I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Moormom(prefer not to use my real name) I'm 34 years p of and have a 10 gallon tank with 2 goldfish, Tubby and Bubbles.
Hi, welcome to TFF. Hope you enjoy it here and learn a lot about fish keeping :D
Unfortunately id hate to be the barer of bad news but a 10 gallon is not suitable for goldfish at all. I actually only know the basics about goldfish, but i know they need a larger tank than a 10 gallon, it needs to be cycled, they are vegetarians and they are cool water fish. Sorry to be so negative, i would recommend rehoming them or upgrading their tank. Most likely your tank isnt cycled so it would be best to rehome them until you can make a proper home for more goldfish :)
Heres how to cycle a tank and why its important. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/421488-cycling-your-new-fresh-water-tank-read-this-first/
Hello Moormom! 
to TFF. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Unfortunately Saw is right, the 10g won't be a suitable permanent home. Do you know what kind they are?
I assume black moors from your name but want to check since if they're fancies you'll need around a 30-40g tank and if they're comets you'll want a 75g or preferably a pond.
Please know we're not trying to attack/bash you or anything like that at all, we just want to help.
Do you happen to have any pics of them? I would love to see and they have such cute names! :wub:
If you want to upload pics you can go to 'More Reply Options' at the bottom of the page and attach file or you can upload to a photo sharing website such as photobucket and link here.
One is a large fancy regular color goldfish (Tubby) Bubbles is a Black Moor who has some sort of eye infection (was super swollen last night and now looks all crusty and gross this morning) Believe me I know you're not trying to attack or bash me and I'm here because I need the advice and help because Bubbles keeps getting these eye infections and I don't know what to do
My guess is that bubbles keeps getting infections from poor water quality, so the best actions to take are to do weekly water changes of about 75% right now, since your tank probably isnt cycled. Are they gasping for air at the surface?
What temp is the tank? Can you get a photo of the fishes eye? 
I'm not sure of the temp seeing as I'm not home, but I think it's about 75 I'll see if I can post a pic of his eyes
sawickib said:
My guess is that bubbles keeps getting infections from poor water quality, so the best actions to take are to do weekly water changes of about 75% right now, since your tank probably isnt cycled. Are they gasping for air at the surface?
What temp is the tank? Can you get a photo of the fishes eye? 
Hey, sawickib; we're helping Moormom in her thread in the emergencies forum, here; http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/434906-fish-emergency/
It would be a lot easier for everyone if all the replies are in the same thread, so I'm going to lock this one :)
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