Hi y'all!!!!!!!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
Well.......I got my whole "MOVING THING" done with. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Now back to my fishies!!

It was very interesting moving all of my fish and 55 gallon across town. I did the tote thing that I had mentioned on the 25th? and it seemed to work rather well. Except for the fact the I had one tote on my passenger seat and one on the floor board and every single little bump I went over all the water splashed out all over the place. I literally lost over a gallon of water on the seat and floor of my car :lol: :lol: :grr: :hyper:

I put about 20 gallons of their old tank water in with them and then put in 15 gallons of new water that very night (treated water of course). Then the next day I put the other 15 gallons in (55 gallons minus the gravel and decor is about 50 I'd say?). I didn't lose ONE SINGLE FISH and they are all doing well. I put the tank in my office because I am going to get a new tank, at least a 35 g., and I 'm going to take all my fish out of my 55 except my Silver Dollars and put them all in the new one in my living room soon. The Silver Dollars, in my opinion, are some-what a single species fish. They really do best with the subdued lighting and slow movements so I thought it be best to have them in my office in a big'ole 55 gallon all to themselves with LOTS of plants of course.

I missed you guys!!!! :*) :-( :sad: :wub: :D


Yes, that's my............I'm Bock face.....instead of.....I'll Be Bock!!!!
Arnold, you've gotta love him!!
Good Job Silver!!!

I'm glad your fish all made it, you should be proud :D

I was considering a move a couple of months ago and just the thought of moving all of the tanks was reason enough to stay put . Losing one of your favorite fish would certainly put a stingin the excitement of moving and I'm so happy everything went well for you....except for the stinky smell that might show up in your car after a hot day of sitting in the sun :sick: :lol: J/K!
Hi Silver, nice to see you back. Well done on the move. It's difficult to do and you didn't lose a single fish. :D
Its been said before but I'll say it again :) Welcome back, congrats on the move and well done not losing a fish!!
Hi Silver,
Glad your move went well and all your fish made it just fine :D Do you have to grow plants outside the aquarium for your Silver Dollars? I have to rotate plants, my silvers decimate them within a few days :D
Glad to have you back with us-I've missed our chats also. BTW glad that all your tank companions are doing well.

Actually, I don't give my Silver's "real" plants :-( That's how I got my snail INFESTATION, plus they cost quite a bit. I do give them skinned peas though!!! And they LOVE THEM!!!!! Also, I give them some of the algae wafers too and they seem to enjoy them as well.

That's a heck of a lot of work, Silver. I'm glad it all went good for you. :)

Hurry back. B)

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