Hi Want Can I Put In With A Male Betta


Mostly New Member
Jun 15, 2013
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hello everyone, i am wondering what i can put in with a male fighter i have had one before but that more than 3 year ago but this is what i had in with him including him.
1x male fighter
3x female fighters
4x angel fish
a group of neons
3x platy
3x swordtail fish
4x dwarf gouramis
3x brisl noise placos
this is what i would like this time if i can.
1x male fighter
3x female fighters
2x angel fish
acouple dwarf gouramis
2x brisl noise placos
and some differnt type of tetras
is their any thing esle i could put in with them?
Do you know the litres or gallon of the tank.
how do i find out how may litres/ gallons the tank is?
Number one:  Male and female bettas should not be housed together.  That is just asking for trouble and is needlessly stressful for all the fish involved.  I also would not put bettas with angels or gourmanis.  How your previous tank was not a complete disaster, I have no idea.  Gourmanis and bettas are both aggressive and share the same space in the tank and even if it seemed to work would be stressful on both sets of fish resulting in sickness or early death.  Tetras "might" work with a calm betta that didn't want to kill everything in your tank and if you had a big enough school of the tetras to where they left the betta alone.
The size of the tank is very important.  With a 3ft tank, the biggest tank I see with that dimension is a 65 gallon but that is not a standard size and I doubt you have that particular one.  More likely a 30 gallon or 40 gallon which are more common.  I think you need to rethink your stocking a bit to something a bit better for the fish. 
Wildbetta said:
Number one:  Male and female bettas should not be housed together.  That is just asking for trouble and is needlessly stressful for all the fish involved.  I also would not put bettas with angels or gourmanis. 
My first thoughts as well when I read the list.
I have kept tetras with betta in a planted tank it was successful.
With the fishi had before I didn't have problems before
My male fighter I had before also had done bubbles nets only small those
blackmoon5 said:
My male fighter I had before also had done bubbles nets only small those
Bubblenests are only a sign of the betta being old enough to breed and has nothing to do with the fish being healthy or happy.  I would expect him to have made bubblenests with two female bettas in with him.
As stated you were very lucky with your previous setup and you would be even luckier if it were to work again. When putting bettas in community tanks you should generally avoid the following:
-Other bettas
-Nippy/aggressive fish such as barbs
-Cichlids (although some dwarfs such as rams can work)
-Fish with long fins such as guppies
If you avoid those then a betta will make a fine addition to any tank. Be warned though, some bettas are overly aggressive and can not be kept with anything. When picking your betta at the shop, try and look for one in a tank with other fish as these will be more likely to mix well.
I have mine with a ram, bristlenose and 6 neons and they all get on fine...
The place im getting mine they are in with all sorts of fish
I'm looking to get a betta to go in my 64l tank with 2 platies, 6 neon tetras and 6 salt and pepper cories. A good mix I think??
Don't do it.  I kept a male betta in a 80 Gal never saw him. All he did was hide. They become very shy when kept in large community with other fish bigger then them. I had him with discus they were gentle never bothered him but he still would hide. My filter flow might have been too high too but with a larger tank you need.
Bettas are not community fish no matter how hard I have tried to make them over the years.  The best community set up I found for a betta is a 20 Gal Long with lots of plants and a school of small fish otos or cory cats.   That's it. They like shallow long tanks with little water movement.

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