Hi There I Am From New Zealand


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
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:hyper: hi ya

I posted a picture of my tank where you are meant too here is my questions

I have had it going for over a month i had just 6 platys in there for a a few weeks after it had been going nearly 3 weeks

Now i have have 10 platys I was given some, ten neon tretas, ten guppies and 4 cat fish and some live plants

All i have been using is stress coat

When i clean my tank 20 percentchange and glass there is a lot of crap in it is this normal?
I only have a cheap interenal filter

Also my 2 foot tank in my room is set up for fish now its been going 2 weeks when should I add the fish?

I have never used any ammonia text kitts do I really need one??
on a bit of a budget here and get stuff as I go

Cheers nice to met you all

ALSO I GOT ONE BABY PLATY that i can hardly ever find but its there i found it under the wood the other day so excited ha
Welcome to the forums aaron,

The members here are really good - they'll get you sorted out. It'll help if we know your tank volume. If you don't know it, there's a calculator at the top and you can put your dimensions in to find out the volume.

Unfortunately, as a beginner, just about the best way to get a handle on your situation is to have a good liquid-reagent based test kit and learn the skills involved in interpreting what it tells you about your tank situation. Its possible to learn the symptoms the fish give and anticipate that you need water changes, but it takes experience and is harder in my opinion. A good API master kit can be found usually for not that much.

Take a read of the Beginners Resource Center pinned at the top of this forum. gotta run, but anyway, welcome!

thank you so much i have hte ph one i will get an ammonia one cheers love the forum

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