Since you do intend live plants you don't need to add fish food or ammonia. Once you get the plants, plant them or attach them to decor (depending what they are) then wait for signs they are actively growing. Once you are certain the plants aren't about to die, get the first batch of fish, and monitor ammonia and nitrite daily until you are sure they are staying at zero - but if they show a reading above zero, do a water change. Wait a week or two of zeros before getting the next batch of fish.
Some plants are slow growing (eg Java fern, anubias) and some are fast growing. It's fast growers that you need as they'll take up the ammonia made by the fish faster than the slow growers. And you need more than the odd couple of plants. Floating plants are best of all because they are near the lights and they can get CO2 from the air.
Members report that Tropica is good for plants, and I like k2aqua on Ebay as their plants are shrimp safe (I have shrimps!)
(If Pheonix recommends anacharis, you'll more likely find it as elodea or egeria in the UK)