That 3D backround really is impressive, massive
. I'm personally not a fan of them, per se, but this effort looks absolutely fantastic!!!it
I'm entrigued to know how exactly you done with the Polystyrene though, what do you stick it together with? It's quite common knowledge what happend when you try putting superglue onto Polystyrene, how did you do it?
Hi Terry,
I can see why people don't necessarily like 3D backgrounds.
They do protrude on the tankquite a bit, but it does provide a nice cover to hide filter and heater etc......
The process is pretty simple, but does take a bit of time.
I just started with a couple sheets of polystyrene, and using a wire brush, roughed up the pieces, the good thing about doing each piece individualy is that no one piece looks the same and looks quite natural.
To stick it together I just used marine safe silicone.
After that, it was a few coats of concrete and left to dry for a week or so.
I was really worried about the concrete leaching into the water, so I covered the whole thing in pond sealer which according to my PH tests has helped no end.
Anyone thinking of making a 3D background, do not for a minute think that all the concrete will stop the thing from floating IT DOESNT!!!!
The blooming thing would have kept the titanic afloat.....had to silicone it down in the end, but ive left enough space behind to get to filter and heater etc shoudl I need to.
I have pics of every step of the process, I will upload them later so people can see, if they need ideas etc.
Thanks for the comments.