Hi! New to breeding and open to any help.


New Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Hello! My name is Emma and I've just recently got into breeding. At first it started as an accident with my shrimp and now I'm totally invested in breeding, hatching and raising up different aquatic life. I will definitely have a bunch of questions and I am open to any help you can give!
Welcome to the worlds greatest forum!

Ooooo, what kind of aquatic life do you raise?

Ask any questions here, members are always glad to help!
Right now I have shrimp and mystery snails and I am now attempting bettas. However two of my females are more interested in each other than my male. :')
Don't breed Bettas as a first off. Try something like Cherry Barbs or Lemon Tetras. You must always consider what you will do with the fry before you breed anything.
Shrimp are really quite easy. I have bred hundreds of them. I have a good number of different types. The problem is that I really can only swap them for credit in my LFS which isn't as bad as it could be. I am saving the credit to use on a larger tank sometime in the future.
The yellows and the blue velvet are the most active breeders though as they are all in community tanks, probably a lot of the young are eaten.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

The following link has information on culturing food for baby fish. It might interest you.
if you want to breed stufff
just get a 15-20g tank
and then get some crystal black/red (pick one color)
and then pick a color from a neocaridina like fire reds or whatever you like
don't get them from a store as most local breeders that make serious $$ on breeding they do RO and unless you're going with RO usually your shrimp will just die...
go on kijiji or something and find a local breeder that does tap water
then throw some hillstream loaches in there as they're hardy too...
and try to keep ph at around 6.9...the higher the ph the less color you're going to have on your crystals...
lower ph and your hill stream loaches won't be having too much fun and you'll see them going in circles in your glass
I find 6.9 to be the sweet spot for having shrimp and loaches living happily together
and make sure there's no big swings in your ph with lights on/off anything higher than .7 .8 in a single day and you'll start losing crystals...

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