Hi, new to a forum, should of did this years ago

@drlyleech Hi Mike ! Welcome to The Great TFF Forums. Thirty years huh ? That's a good track record. Wow, under gravel filters ! I had nothing but those in the days before dinosaurs were tamed. They seem to have fallen from favor but I want one for a 20 gallon reset I have in mind.
Glad to have you.
The problem with an in-tank filter in a filled to the brimg tank, is that it creates surface movement that could also mean spillage. Even a bubble sponge filter creates surface motion. And a hang on the back isn't a nice tidy way to do it and spoils the effect. A canister filter is what I use on one of my large tanks, and I'll be getting another for my tank too.
Also, glass inlet/outlet tubes for the filter makes a hell of a difference to the look.
I guess you could have those problems if you buy the tank from a store...
but when you build it yourself it's because you hated something in it in the first place...
myself I hate the air pumps going hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I've tried shoving cotton in them..wrapping them with a pillow...forget it...
so my 2 in-tank filters for both my tanks were made by me...the 45gal has an overflow through some glass "teeth" over a glass box with holes half somewhere around the bottom...
when the water goes over the top and the "box" ...the speed/weight of it causes the water from the bottom to be pulled acting like a vacuum
works great but there's a couple flaws (to me)...small fish/shrimp can get into the filter once in a while....
which isn't too big a deal because they'll just be stuck inside the filter floss partition as the water in it flows down so there's no way out...
my smaller tank a bit under 10gal was made more for bragging rights...400gph turnover
with this guy I was thinking of making it for shrimp maybe nano fish so in this design I wanted highflow and 0 chance of shrimp/nano fish getting into the filter area
so i made the water flow into multiple holes upwards to about an of the top of sump wall...that partition has rocks blocking shrimp/fish from getting into it but allowing water to go through
then down/up/down into the filtration area then to the pump which pushes the water into a side open box with lots of holes to disperse the water movement
takes trial and error on the number of holes...basically fill it up..make it run..check if it flows back into the pump partition or if it overflows over the main sump wall into the tank
you could also seal the top of the return partition so no matter what flow you have it would always be pushed into the tank...the problem with that is...how are you going to clean it?
ps: the 400gph is the max without media etc...with media I usually run it at around 200-250 and my plants barely move and very little top movement

and the most important part (at least to me)....NO NOISE...no humming...no dripping...no water bubble "pops"
I'd like to see any non internal type of filter/sump type of filtration run without noise
Welcome, I love internal filters, love everything being in the tank, no chance of a flood. I build my stands out of old pallets at no cost. This is my 150-gallon tank on a stand built from pallets.
@drlyleech Hi Mike ! Welcome to The Great TFF Forums. Thirty years huh ? That's a good track record. Wow, under gravel filters ! I had nothing but those in the days before dinosaurs were tamed. They seem to have fallen from favor but I want one for a 20 gallon reset I have in mind.
Glad to have you.
UGF are the best! That is what I'm running.
@drlyleech Hi Mike ! Welcome to The Great TFF Forums. Thirty years huh ? That's a good track record. Wow, under gravel filters ! I had nothing but those in the days before dinosaurs were tamed. They seem to have fallen from favor but I want one for a 20 gallon reset I have in mind.
Glad to have you.
Yeah, it did the job. Mine was in a 40 gal with power heads and I loved it. Venturing out and purchased the jbj 65 gallon aio to play with
Well after alot of looking and prices, I found a person that has an innovation marine and jbj who said the build quality is equally the same, so for the size and price I got the jbj rimless 65 for around 900. The aio area looks more customizable and easier to access. Plus I wanted a higher tank. Now waiting 3 to 5 weeks to have it delivered. The only issue I have at this new place is the waters much more alkaline than I want it to be. May have to do the spring water route for changes. Any one have suggestions on a good bio media? This is the area I'm new in. I have ceramic in my fluval now, but are there any better options? Comments and feedback would be great, thanks

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