Hi I'm New

kissing pistols

New Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Well I've never had a Betta fish before, but i have been doing alot of research on males and females. I'm rather sad that males are aggressive to one another because they're so gorgeous. I have a few questions, because the only fish i have ever had were goldfish and i was so lucky to have had one that lived to be about 2 years old. I also got him at a fair which surprised me even more.

How big should i have a tank for them, and what other kind of fish do they get along with well?
Hi There. Welcome to the message board. I just got my betta last week... he's my first fish. I have him in his own 3 gallon Eclipse tank. I've read that people keep bettas by themself even in 1 gallon tanks... afterall, that is still a major upgrade from the cup that your local fish store keeps the males bettas in. :angry:

As for tankmates, I am looking for that answer myself. From what I've read, you don't want to get a very active tankmate like tetras or barbs because they will nip at your betta's fins. People say that bottom-feeders such as Corys are good tankmates because they are pretty passive.

Just make sure that your tank is large enough to hold your betta plus any tankmates you plan on getting. Plan things out before you go buy a tank. Also, have a spare tank in case your tankmate situation doesn't work out peacefully. :crazy:

Good luck!
Hello... another good tank mate would have to be african dwarf frogs!! If you had him in his own 2.5 gallon tank then you could have a male betta (or a female betta) and 1 dwarf frog!! :D

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