Hi Im New

You have a very nice sized, flexible tank there. Have you looked at the fish inm local pet shops so that you can tell us what kind of fish you like? Maybe if we knew, we could help you choose things that would go together well.
Welcome to the forum sweetie and i have to say i envy your tanksize, it's a very good starting point.

As far as decorating your tank goes, I like natural looking tanks myself and i think the fish like them better too

Deffinately keep us updated on your tank and whatever you decide to put in it
hi all
i have some nice fish in my mind :good:

i would like to know if you think they are good starting fish,here they are

angle fishies
fancy guppies

do you think any of those fish would eat live plants? becuse i am thinking of getting some when i start to cycle my tank.

:thanks: again,
age 9
Hi princess :D

I think angels and guppies do sometimes fight a bit but nothing to bad, a good starter fish might be;

6 corys
some guppies
some mollies
some platies
and maybe 2 angelfish
and this would probably be the best order to put them in;

angels [if you get them, if not, some dwarf gourami could work]

Hi princess :D

I think angels and guppies do sometimes fight a bit but nothing to bad, a good starter fish might be;

6 corys
some guppies
some mollies
some platies
and maybe 2 angelfish
and this would probably be the best order to put them in;

angels [if you get them, if not, some dwarf gourami could work]



thanks for the great info john :good: i love your list it is exactly what i wanted.
can i ask another qwestion,i have seen some beautiful killifish can i have them in my tank with all that

age 9
A lot depends on which killies it is that you like. Some are just as nice in a community tank as the guppies would be, but others are not all that friendly.
Hey. Welcome to the forum.
Im YF, im buying your grandma's old marine tank.
Its good to see your interested in keeping fish at such a young age.

A lot depends on which killies it is that you like. Some are just as nice in a community tank as the guppies would be, but others are not all that friendly.

hello oldman47,

i like two types here they are:
steel-blue aphyosemion
rachove' s nothobranch

can i have these? as i said i would like the list that tropic_john has given me as that is what i wanted.

thanks again,

age 9
I am also a beginner when it comes to killies PrincessCoral. I have some Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge that are supposed to be good community fish but I have been reading up on killies and am finding that many of them are not very good community fish while others are. At this point in my research, I just don't know which are which. Sorry I can't help there.
you could substitute the platies or mollies with some lampeye killifish or Aphyosemion australe or Aphyosemion striatum

So the list could be;

6 corys
6 guppies
5 mollies
3 Platies
4 lampeye killifish
and maybe 2 angelfish


6 corys
5 guppies
4 mollies
6 Gardneri Panchax Killifish
and maybe 2 angelfish

Hope I helped Princess,

John. :good:
you could substitute the platies or mollies with some lampeye killifish or Aphyosemion australe or Aphyosemion striatum

So the list could be;

6 corys
6 guppies
5 mollies
3 Platies
4 lampeye killifish
and maybe 2 angelfish


6 corys
5 guppies
4 mollies
6 Gardneri Panchax Killifish
and maybe 2 angelfish

Hope I helped Princess,

John. :good:

thanks for the list again.can someone put the pichers of them
just adding a bit more info on angles,my faves are white ones

can i have them with the list that tropic-john gave me?

age 9

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