Hi I'm New To The Salty Side


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I was told I should hang out in here instead of the nano section because this one gets more traffic. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/358821-guidedbyechoes-nano-reef-journal/ This is what has happened so far. I'm still trying to figure out what stocking I should do. I was thinking a cuc and 4 small fish false percual, royale gramma, court jester goby and one more. I did want to get a mandrin as my final fish but I'm told anything smaller than a 4 ft tank would is a no go.
how about a banggi cardinal?

all great fish (im struggiling to get my final stocking as there are so many nice fish)
I was told I should hang out in here instead of the nano section because this one gets more traffic. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/358821-guidedbyechoes-nano-reef-journal/ This is what has happened so far. I'm still trying to figure out what stocking I should do. I was thinking a cuc and 4 small fish false percual, royale gramma, court jester goby and one more. I did want to get a mandrin as my final fish but I'm told anything smaller than a 4 ft tank would is a no go.

You can have a mandarin but as the tank would not be established [ie lack of pods, rotifers etc]for a long while, you would need to setup a copepod culture to feed the mandy. Very easy to setup also.
how about a banggi cardinal?

all great fish (im struggiling to get my final stocking as there are so many nice fish)

Cardinals are known to hide a lot and thats kind of boring. I have thought about the firefish and a flasher wrasse. I want to get a mandrin even if I have to wait a year to put it in there if it is possible. .
I thought cyno outbreaks took longer in a saltwater fish tank. Yesterday my nitrates were up to 25 pp and now I have a cyno outbreak.
I thought cyno outbreaks took longer in a saltwater fish tank. Yesterday my nitrates were up to 25 pp and now I have a cyno outbreak.

cyano, which is a bacteria forms where there is nitrate - so can happen at any time, I'm afraid - increase the flow to the area, this is not a cure but helps to add oxygen
well I'm thick I meant diatoms.

Nah, not at all.......... diatoms feed off nitrates (and silicates)which are part of the cycling process, so yes, they usually occur at the end of a cycle or are a sign of higher than you would want nitrates in an established tank

ammonia - NitrIte - NitrAte :good:

Seffie x
well I'm thick I meant diatoms.

Nah, not at all.......... diatoms feed off nitrates (and silicates)which are part of the cycling process, so yes, they usually occur at the end of a cycle or are a sign of higher than you would want nitrates in an established tank

ammonia - NitrIte - NitrAte :good:

Seffie x

Yes but the tank has been set up for less than a week when they appeared.
well I'm thick I meant diatoms.

Nah, not at all.......... diatoms feed off nitrates (and silicates)which are part of the cycling process, so yes, they usually occur at the end of a cycle or are a sign of higher than you would want nitrates in an established tank

ammonia - NitrIte - NitrAte :good:

Seffie x

Yes but the tank has been set up for less than a week when they appeared.

What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite?

Depending on the live rock (cured/un cured) your tank could have easily have cycled by now.
If your ammonia and nitrite are zero and you have diatoms then perform a large water change, leave 24 hours then test again and if the readings are still zero and your nitrAte is low then your ok for live stock!

But not too much at once. You need to allow the LR to cope with the extra bioload.

Personally tho it sounds cycled to me but tests will confirm.
Check your ph, sg and temp before you add anything first tho.
well I'm thick I meant diatoms.

Nah, not at all.......... diatoms feed off nitrates (and silicates)which are part of the cycling process, so yes, they usually occur at the end of a cycle or are a sign of higher than you would want nitrates in an established tank

ammonia - NitrIte - NitrAte :good:

Seffie x

Yes but the tank has been set up for less than a week when they appeared.

What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite?

Depending on the live rock (cured/un cured) your tank could have easily have cycled by now.
If your ammonia and nitrite are zero and you have diatoms then perform a large water change, leave 24 hours then test again and if the readings are still zero and your nitrAte is low then your ok for live stock!

But not too much at once. You need to allow the LR to cope with the extra bioload.

Personally tho it sounds cycled to me but tests will confirm.
Check your ph, sg and temp before you add anything first tho.

Well I'm gonna have to wait a while on stocking it so I will have to keep adding ammonia to keep the bacteria alive. I had to slam on the brakes because there was one young woman that thought a red light meant make an illegal turn and not look to your left while it was raining. Well the brakes failed and I have to put close to 3 times what I put into the tank so far just to get to work. I planned on a cuc crew first. Then the clown a few weeks later. But I want my sump up and running before I start adding fish.

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